The Top Five Movies Ever Made

The following is a list of the top five movies ever made. I will name the movie and then talk about why it is so great. Please enjoy my list, but you should come up with a list of your own. The only preparation you need to do is to watch five movies.

  1. Citizen Kane. This is a movie done by Orson Welles. He wrote and directed this film. It is considered the best movie ever made by many intelligent people. That is the main reason that I put it at the top of my list. I actually don’t care much for Orson Welles. From what I can tell, he lived kind of a crummy life. He wasn’t very nice to people, and he cheated on his wife. Maybe he was great at making movies and plays, but I wouldn’t want to have worked with the guy. So, while this movie makes the top of my list, I’d like to say that Orson Welles was a bad man.
  2. Singing in the Rain. This movie is a lot of fun because there’s this one part where a guy dances around in the rain while he is singing. I mean, why wouldn’t you love a movie that has a part like that? Besides that, the movie is a great slapstick affair. There are tons of funny sight gags that are great to watch. It’s hard to imagine that Hollywood ever had the patience to create a movie like this. It’s really true, they don’t make them like they used to.

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  1. The Matrix. This movie has a ton of bullets that totally fly around people because they know how to dodge them. You don’t get much better than that. I mean, tons of movies have tried to copy this, but this is the original. It’s exciting, and it has its own unique feel to it. I watch this movie when I want to see awesome action.
  2. Dick Tracy. This movie is about a detective that has a telephone in his watch. Anyone who has ever wanted to have a telephone in their watch will love this movie. It also has a ton of explosions which are great, but the best part of this movie is the watch that is also a telephone. That watch is just about the coolest thing in the world.
  3. The Oscars. This really isn’t a movie, but it’s a special that they have every year that highlights the best movies of the year. I include this in my list because it’s how I find out about great movies that I may have missed during the year. It’s worth more than just one movie because of all the movies it tells me about.

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