What Makes A High Quality Swimwear Brand

With the rise of fast fashion, a majority of our clothing is not accessible and affordable. And while this is a benefit for many of us, a lot of the clothes and swimwear we buy is not built to last.

Today, the move towards eco-conscious and green living has made investing in high-quality, durable swimwear pieces all the more important. It is one of the first steps of a long-lasting, ethically conscious and sustainable summer wardrobe. However, finding swimwear that is fashionable and will stand the test of time (and use) can be challenging.

Here are some tips on how you can determine of your swimwear is of high quality.

What Makes Fashion High Quality?

Purchasing a swimsuit that looks great is one thing, but how do you know that it is a piece that will last with years of use and exposure to elements such as sun, sun block sand chlorine and more?

One of the best ways to ensure your swimwear is of high quality is to purchase an investment piece. Not only are you sure that it will stand the test of time, but it will look good doing it! Here is what you should keep in mind:

Fabric and Materials

One of the tell-tale signs that your swimwear is of high quality is by the fabric and materials it is made from. Poor quality pieces will use the fabrics that feel thin, cheap and rough, where higher quality fabrics are thick and soft.

Many quality brands, such as HoneyTrap Swim, utilise ECONYL and REPREVE regenerated fabrics in their pieces. Not only are those durable, but are sustainable and eco-friendly as they are made from recyclable plastics and materials.


Another identifying factor is the stitching and overall construction of the peace. Due to the nature of fashion, many poor quality preces will have minimal stitching making them more susceptible to breaking. High quality, sustainable fashion brands will take the time to ensure each piece is constructed with durability and longevity front of mind.

Additionally, lining is a good indicator of quality. Many high-quality brands will double line their swimsuits as this improves the fit, support and durability of the piece.


While this is a factor that goes overlooked, the looking at the brand is arguably the most important aspects when determining quality. Unlike most fast fashion brands who ore only focused on meeting the latest style trends and demand for new pieces, sustainable, slow-fashion brands are always transparent in their production and are focused on making high quality pieces that are built to last.

Invest In High-Quality Fashion With HoneyTrap

Now that you know the factors that go into high quality swimwear, why not put it to the test? HoneyTrap swim is an Australian based premium swimwear line, dedicated to providing you with high quality bikini pieces that are ethically and sustainably made. Shop HoneyTrap Swim and invest in premium quality swimwear today!

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