Reply To: panel construction problematic

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    Why is a problem writing a byte to a file? Just work with a memoryBlock and then save it to a file, this is how I do it:

    patchData = MemoryBlock() -- create the memory block
    patchData :createFromTable({0xF0, 0x00, 0x20, 0x33...}) -- fill it with a init patch
    -- write data to the memoryblock
    a = panel:getModulatorByIndex(46):getValue() -- get 1 byte of data from a mod
    patchData :setByte(14,a) -- write it to the memoryblock

    -- save the file
    f = utils.saveFileWindow ("Save Patch", File(""), "*.syx", true) - ask for file
    f:create() -- create file
    if f:existsAsFile() then
    f:replaceWithData(patchData) -- put the memoryblock on the file
