How does Pay Per Click deal with accidental clicks?

How does google ads deal with accidental clicks

Many of you must have thought that it comes to your mind that the paid search budget for which you have paid is not giving the most out of it. Well, for many unknown PPC it is very much unknown to them that there is a hidden enemy out in the world which secretly hides in the shadows and very smartly wastes your budget of the ads. 

In this blog, we will be looking at the dark world which will show you the shadowy world of the Pay per click marketing and how million of users which means a large number of users are losing their money in the fraud involved in it which you can also call as Fraud PPC clicks. The user usually knows it as click fraud also in this article we will be looking at how all this affects you as a user and what all things you can do to fight it back. 

The Click Fraud – all about it. 

Click Fraud is simply a type of Ad fraud that defrauds the advertisers from the very precious ad which is spent across the various Pay per click networks provided. It could be anything ranging from Google Ads, Instagram, Twitter to Facebook ads and other platforms too. 

You must be aware of the fact that in the Pay Per Click networks, advertisers have to go through the billing on every click they come across. But have you ever wondered if the same person keeps on clicking the ad repeatedly on the ad clicks bot? Well, you will be amazed to know that the users are charged then also which is why to click Fraud is such a big and troublesome issue in the advertising industry. 

Responsibility for the Click fraud – 

Now let us proceed to know that who is responsible for the click fraud like who will be gaining profit if the users or the viewers keep on clicking the ad frauds then you should once think about the reasons. 

  • Competitors 
  • The Webmasters 
  • Fraud Rings 

All these parties are the ones that earn profit by click fraud and like you have seen defrauding advertisers can be quite simple as well as easy which means almost everybody’s ads are spent at risk. 

Affect of the advertisers on the users 

If we look just at the surface of the issues then it will look like that the advertisers are just losing some portion of the ad budget to the click fraud but if the users have already spent a large amount of money on the PPC ads then they would surely not even notice that. 

Not only the financial problem but the users also face problems like incorrect analytics without any filtering out the fraudulent and also the repetitive it can also lead to the business making marketing decisions that are based on the incorrect data. 

Solutions to fight back this issue of the advertisers 

Since the huge risk of click fraud, the advertisers are trying to solve this issue against this increasing threat, and although Google does not have an invalid click center on its own which usually aims to tackle the ad fraud which many of the advertisers think that it is not enough and still has ample of fraudulent clicks. 

To take the matter into our hands the PPC experts have come up with solutions or ways to decrease the fraud by using the platform Google. 

  1. By taking the advantage of the Exclusion lists 

As we have previously explored the fact that the amount of click fraud on Google’s display network is comparatively much less than the search ads. The primary reason for it could be that the webmasters might be receiving revenue for each and every click and would have a big incentive to fraudulently click on their own risks. 

  1. Excluding the competitor’s location

If you still have not tried the location of the targeting option then you must do it in the option in Google Ads. All this might sound familiar to you but you must be still not able to figure out the exact procedure. The users can also go to hire a pay-per-click agency
