Six-Trak Editor

Editor for Sequential Circuits Six-Trak. It uses MIDI CC control for all available parameters including mod wheel.

Six-Trak Editor Screen


Built using CTRLR Revision 1400.

Key things needed to do on the Six-Trak before use:

– To enable changing programs (patches) by MIDI, hold Control Record and press 1.

– To enable changing parameters/mod wheel by MIDI, hold Control Record and press 4.

– The Six-Trak powers up in omni mode which is fine if it’s the only MIDI instrument you are using. If you need to change it to a specific MIDI channel, hold Track Record and press 3 to turn off omni mode. Then press Parameter then 36, then change the value to the MIDI channel of your choice.

The instructions are on the panel as well as it’s easy to forget and saves trawling through the manual every time.


Six-Trak Editor 1.1331.5 KB3,175


I used the font ‘Celtic’ for the Six-Trak logo, so it will just show in the default font if you don’t have that installed. There is a free alternative which looks very similar called Gael, you can download it here:

The Six-Trak is unable to send parameter data via MIDI, so the Editor will not be able to update changes. It can send/receive program changes and mod wheel data however, so they can update on the Editor if the settings are right. See page 65 of the manual for more info.

It would be great if someone could figure out how to make a patch library. This is beyond my knowledge, so hopefully someone else can take this on. If anyone wants to add features to the panel, be my guest as I will not make any updates. The manual can be seen here (MIDI implementation starts on page 57):
