Muscles: Slow-Twitch and Fast-Twitch: Do You Know the Difference?

To be serious about body-building you need to know about the muscles that make up your body.

Muscles are composed of fibers which are cylindrical cells about 50-100 nanometers (nanometer is one billionth of a meter) in diameter and several centimeters long. The strength of an individual fiber increases with its diameter, the greater its diameter the stronger it is. These are arranged in parallel bundles along the length of the muscle. Individuals have the same number of fibers within a particular muscle, and it is the diameter of the muscle fibers in their muscles that determines their strength.

Muscles contract when an electrical pulse is received from a nerve cell called a motor neuron attached to the muscle fiber, which responds to this electrical pulse by contracting momentarily. This short contraction and relaxation is called a twitch and lasts for 10-100 milliseconds. A single motor neuron and the fibers it stimulates are called a motor unit. One motor neuron may control from 2-2,000 muscle fibers.

For a stronger contraction another pulse must be dream minecraft face received from the attached nerve cell before the first twitch subsides. For a sustained contraction a rapid series of pulses must be received by the muscle fiber. As a muscle fiber contracts it is constantly contracting and relaxing in response to a steady flow of electrical impulses from the nerve cell. A typical skeletal muscle has several hundred muscle fibers each with an attached nerve cell.

Most muscles contain a combination of two types of fibers:

Slow-twitch (Type I) muscle fibers which respond more slowly and produce weaker contractions, but over a longer duration, and also have high aerobic capacity as they have a larger number of capillaries surrounding them.

Fast-twitch (Type II) muscle fibers which respond more quickly with stronger contractions, but with a shorter duration, and also have high anaerobic capacity. These fibers are larger the slow-twitch muscles giving them the capability of stronger contractions.
Fast-twitch fibers tend to tire more quickly than slow-twitch fibers. The Fast-twitch type are used to produce bursts of intense effort and are mainly used for intense anaerobic activity, while slow-twitch type are used for endurance and are used for aerobic activity. This means that to exercise fast-twitch fibers, high intensity training is required. Slow-twitch variety are darker in color than fast-twitch fibers.

The average person has a roughly the same number of each of these two types of fibers. However, some individuals have either higher percentage of slow-twitch fibers or a higher percentage of fast-twitch fibers. Competitive rowers and long-distance runners typically have a higher percentage (70-85%) of slow-twitch fibers that enables them to perform with endurance.

Persons with a higher percentage of fast-twitch fibers tend to do better at sports such as sprinting or power lifting that need short bursts of energy.

Fast Twitch and Slow Twitch Muscles

You may have heard a number of folks online and in the sports and fitness press talk about fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibres…and wondered the heck the difference was – after all a muscle is a muscle, right?

Well, no.

Understanding the difference between the fast twitch and slow twitch muscles is essential if you’re intent of focusing your efforts on the right muscle groups and type of training that is beneficial to you – especially if you’re looking to jump higher, run faster and improve your reflexes and first step, on the basketball court or on the track.

Differences Between Fast and Slow Twitch Fibers

The essential difference between these two types of muscle fibers is in the way they are utilized by the body in various situations.

The fast twitch muscle fibers are, as the name suggests, quick to respond to electrical impulses from the brain and are therefore extremely important to anyone who plays basketball, volleyball, or track and field athletes like sprinters who need to generate massive force (to jump high or sprint fast) in as short a time as possible.

Slow twitch muscle fibers are typically utilized in situations that require less immediate force but over a longer period of time.

Ability to Use Oxygen

Fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers use oxygen in different ways. The fast fibers contract and perform almost without the presence of oxygen, and do so for dreams face short intense bouts of anaerobic exercise. Anything less than 30 seconds in duration is ideal for the fast twitch fibers.

Slow twitch fibers on the other require oxygen to perform properly and thus are better suited to longer forms of exercise of less intensity over 30 seconds in duration.

Amount Of Force Produced

Fast twitch fibers produce significantly more force in a fraction of the time than slow twitch muscles. This makes them the ideal muscle type to focus on developing if you’re looking to increase your vertical or first step quickness.

Speed At Which They Fatigue

Fast twitch fibers fatigue much much quicker than slow twitch fibers, which is why they are really only suited to exercise that lasts 30-45 seconds or less. Since they are not utilizing oxygen to perform their contractions they cannot last very long and will quickly be depleted of their high energy fuel source (ATP), after which they will need to be rested.

Slow twitch fibers on the other hand can last much longer since they are more efficient at utilizing oxygen for performance, and are ideal for endurance activities like long distance running or any prolonged aerobic activity.

Why Your Current Training May Not Be Working

So, do you see the importance of focusing on the right kind of muscle fibers if you want to see success in your game?

How to Stop Eye Twitching

Why does my eye twitch sometimes and how can I remedy the issue? Many of us have had this question at one time or another. Eye twitching is often caused by factors such as stress, caffeine, insomnia, or alcohol and there are some natural remedies that often help to relieve or eliminate the condition. Eye spasms is usually just a temporary condition and some changes in your habit or routine can help to get rid of the eye spasms. Below, we have listed some natural remedies for eye twitching for you diet that can make a difference.

Not having enough magnesium in your diet can be a what does dream look like major cause of eye spasms, so including more magnesium can be a solution for the condition. You might dry consuming a liquid solution of magnesium because the solid form does not always absorb. Magnesium chloride solution is a liquid form of magnesium. You can put three to four drops in some water and consume it. Consult your doctors about his advice on magnesium and the correct dosage for you and your condition. Ask him for his best advice on how to stop twitchy eyes.

How to stop eye twitching when you have continuous twitching? If you experience a lot of these eye issues, B-complex dietary supplements, potassium, and vitamins can help. Eating berries can also help an eye twitch. Black current and Bilberry can help blood circulation which will help the muscles in your eyes. Eating bananas can also be very helpful because bananas contain a lot of potassium and zinc. These substances help to ease the nervous system which helps to relieve an eye spasm.

To relieve eye twitches, you might also try Hyoscyamus, which are commonly used to fight irritations of the nerves and spasms. This substance is often used to treat tics. Zinc met can also be used to help twitches and chamomilla is soothing to the nervous system. It can help to relieve stress and anxiety and help you to get rest and a better night’s sleep which is a great twitchy eye remedy to relieve your twitches. Cina is also great for calming muscle spasms.

Sometimes, Botox injections are used for eye twitches. These are usually for more serious types of eyelid twitches, not those that are brought on by factors such as lack of sleep or having too much caffeine. When eyelid twitch won’t stop, they are usually treated with Botox injections to relax muscles.

Why Does My Eye Twitch? Get the Facts

Eye twitches usually stop on their own but you can help to stop them by changing your habits to a healthier lifestyle by getting more rest and relaxation, eliminating stress, and having less caffeine and alcohol in your diet. The twitches can be annoying, especially when you are trying to concentrate, dream face reveal but most people will not notice that you have them at all.

Here is a list of the most common causes of eye twitching that answer the question “Why Does My Eye Twitch”?:

  1. Lack of enough sleep or rest/ Insomnia
  2. Too much stress or anxiety
  3. Too much alcohol or caffeine
  4. Dry eye or eye strain
  5. Allergies

Fortunately, these reasons for twitches can be eased or cured relatively easily by getting more rest, eliminating stressors from your life, reducing alcohol and caffeine intake and taking steps to relieve eye strain, dry eye and allergies. It is up to you to identify the causes of your condition and try to find ways of easing them. Your doctor can help to identify the sources of your twitching and help you to find the best remedy for your condition. Bright light can also trigger twitches so try to stay away from bright lights.

There are a couple of more serious types of twitches that are caused by neurological issues and should be treated by an eye doctor. They are called Blepharospasm and Hemifacial spasm. Blephorospasm involves both eyes so if both of your eyes are involved in the eye twitching, it is possible that you may have this condition. This type of twitching is more common in women over the age of fifty and there is no absolute cause of it.

A type of serious twitching that can have an effect on eating and speech is called hemifacial spasm. It is the most violent type of twitching and it can effect the whole side of your face. It can be caused by neurological problems that are severe or by inflamed facial nerves. It is often treated by injections or medication. There are some simple natural cures for eye twitching that you can do from home. One is to splash your face with cool water. Another solution is to do hard blinking, which case your close your eyes as hard as you can and then open them as wide as you can. After doing this a few times, your eye twitch should stop at least for a while.

What Are Slow Twitch And Fast Twitch Muscles?

Some people are naturally good at physical activities while other people are not. The main reason behind this is genetics. There are some people who are born with athletic skills and there are some that are not blessed that much. To explain this further, you need to understand how the different types of muscle-fibers affect your physical capabilities.

There are mainly two types of muscle-fibers. These two types are the slow-twitch and the fast twitch-muscles. The slow twitch muscle fibers, Type I, are the ones that function slowly. However, they have a very high level of endurance and they can last longer. Fast twitch, type 2, are the muscle-fibers that function fast and they often provide a person with the speed burst. However, they cannot be used for a long time because they lack a certain degree of endurance. The distribution of slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers are different from person to person. Some have equal distribution while others do not. There are some ways, however, on how you can develop and equally distribute these muscle fibers. But before we go into that, let us first discuss the two types in detail.

Slow-twitch are present in large amount among the dream age marathon runners. Marathon runners do not necessarily have to run fast however they need to build a good endurance to last until the end of the race. Because of the low power output they release every time, they are able to keep their energy allowing them to last longer than usual. You can change your fast twitch to slow twitch ones by walking a lot and jogging for a long period of time. This is why if you want to join a marathon, you need to train weeks or months before the running event. This way, you can develop your slow twitch muscles. Slow- twitch use aerobic metabolism.

Fast twitch, on the other hand, are present in large amount among sprinters. Sprinters need to run fast and they do not need to run for a long time. Therefore, they have more amount of fast twitch-muscle fibers than slow twitch ones. There are two types of fast twitch muscles – Type II A and Type 2 B. If you practice sprinting a lot of times, you will be able to develop your fast twitch muscles. Type II A muscle fibers use both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism while Type II B muscle fibers only use anaerobic metabolism. People with more Type II A muscle can run longer distances than those who use Type II B ones.

It is also important to note that there are muscle groups that are more prone of having fast twitch or slow twitch muscle. For instance, you will find fast twitch muscles mainly on your chest and hamstring areas while slow-twitch can be found mainly on your calves and shoulders.

Understanding slow and fats twitch muscle will help you distribute both equally.

YouTube for Business Purposes

If you are promoting a product or service then you simply should be using YouTube for business. This site gets millions of visitors each day and you could be attracting some of these visitors back to your website.

Use tags

If you have created a video you are happy with then how old is bryce hall load it up to YouTube. As part of the loading process you will be asked to enter what are called tags. These are basically keywords relating to your video content. When using YouTube for business, good keywords are really essential.

If your video is about an iPod for instance and someone typed these words into the YouTube search box your video may show up in the search results. Then again it may not.

By adding the tags you are giving people a better chance of finding your video. Your tags can be related to iPod so you could have tags of MP3 player, MP3, learn iPod etc. This is the way you could be using YouTube for business because with more tags you are giving people more options for locating your content.

You may be expecting people to type in the word ‘iPod’, but some people think differently. An iPod to you is an MP3 player to someone else perhaps. This is the beauty of using tags in YouTube. You are anticipating what people are likely to type in when searching for your video content.

If your brand is well known you could use that as a tag also. There is no telling exactly what people are likely to type when searching for content either on Google or YouTube.

Another good example is the term ‘Football’. In many countries it is called just that, but in the USA they know it as soccer. Someone may type in soccer when looking for football so again your tags need to reflect this.

Categorise your videos

Assign the correct category to your video also to make it easier for people to find. These are pretty important because it is the way YouTube uses to filter through the many videos that are held. There are millions there and categories will help to speed searches up.

Ensure that you have chosen the proper category for your video. If you are teaching something then assign your video to the ‘how to’ category. Don’t worry if you feel you want to change it as you are allowed to do this at any time.

Create your own VLog

When I use YouTube for business I like to add videos to my blog. If you have done any blogging then you may have heard of video blogging. This is also known as a VLog.

After uploading a video to YouTube you have the option to mark it as VLog. This tells YouTube the playlist is a VLog in your YouTube channel. You will need to research things like channels and playlists to get a full grasp of this.

How to get more views on YouTube

The truth is, if you plan on using YouTube for business marketing, the only way you will increase YouTube views is if you create a great quality video. Sure there are services out there that will get you more views, but you should avoid these things.

You risk having your account banned if you use any underhand viewing tactics and all your videos pulled. Do you really want to take that chance? All that effort that you put in to creating your video has been wasted. Just create videos that give value and that people enjoy and you will get more views.

How to promote your product

If you offer a product or service and want to take advantage of YouTube for business, then create a video to showcase your work. You do not necessarily need to appear on screen. You can create a slide presentation which contains what you want to say. Just narrate out loud over the words on screen.

Mention the main features of the product and of course the benefits. Add photos of the product to give even more visual impact. Don’t get carried away and make it a long drawn out production. Keep it simple and keep it short, around two minutes is usually enough.

People love to see visual content and you are offering good value by creating a video. When you have finished the slides then just convert them into a video file and upload it to YouTube. Add your contact details in the video as well as in the YouTube description box.

YouTube Marketing – Can It Take Your Brand to the Next Level?

Online video is virtually dominating the internet, and businesses are striving to keep abreast with this trend and promote their brand. YouTube is a great platform that businesses can effectively utilize to promote their messages. It is important to be aware that most people visit YouTube for the primary purpose of entertainment and therefore businesses must create and publish YouTube videos that are entertaining enough.

Video marketing has been adopted by many famous brands such as Sony Mobile and Jamie Oliver’s Food Tube, which are taking advantage of YouTube’s mammoth audience base to engage with their potential customers. Compared to other traditional search engine optimization strategies, videos in your SEO plan can maximize your outreach and attract more number of customers. Let us consider how YouTube fits into an effective search engine optimization plan.

YouTube Marketing for Business Success

Video SEO based on YouTube analytics essentials, can play a solid role in deciding the success of your marketing strategy. According to this report that quotes Chris Clarke, chief creative officer at DigitasLBi, the agency that produces YouTube content for Sony Mobile, YouTube remains the biggest and best video site on the web. However, brands aren’t leveraging YouTube talent in the best way. Brands need to provide content that operates in the ways YouTube and its communities operate. Only then can they make the best of YouTube marketing.

Though challenging, businesses can choose from the many promotion options available on this popular video channel. Pre-roll ads that run before videos and are skippable can be created. This is an economical option since the advertiser needs to pay only when someone watches the ad for at least 30 seconds. There is also the option of buying ads that appear at the bottom of the screen during video or buying display advertising on the site.

Here are some reasons why you need to consider YouTube marketing.

Absolutely free and easy to upload your video in YouTube and share it with others.
No need to spend on web servers to store your video, as it is possible to host it directly through YouTube.
YouTube easily accelerates the broadcast of the video and helps to reach out to a massive crowd.
Find the Perfect YouTube Tool

YouTube provides powerful tools which you can use to create excellent content, share content, build a strong fan base and effectively market your brand.

YouTube Capture: This enables you to create movies on the go, capturing every moment. You can record as many clips as you want and any number of clips can be stitched together. Moreover, you can trim and reorganize the clips conveniently from your phone and even add a soundtrack that you prefer either from your own music library or from Capture’s audio library. Upload your video to YouTube and simultaneously post to all of your social networks.

YouTube Video Editor: This is another valuable YouTube tool that can be used to enhance your uploaded videos in your web browser. You can combine videos, add music and text effects, trim and rotate clips, insert transitions and stabilize clips. You can auto-fix and fine-tune the colour and lighting using a panel of controls and soothe the shakiness of the video. Options are available to alter the speed of the play. You can specify half speed or quarter speed and include smooth slow motion effects. The face how tall is bryce hall tiktok blurring property of the tool identifies and removes the anonymity problem of actors. You can also add your favourite music from the approved tracks available in the library.

YouTube Captions: With this tool, you can add, edit or remove captions and create automatic captions.

YouTube Analytics: This tool allows you to monitor your videos/channel with up-to-date metrics and reports. Data is available for Views, Traffic sources, and Demographics. This tool can be accessed through

Audio Library: This enables you to download background music for your videos. It is absolutely free as well.
To gain ultimate success in your business, you need to have a clear-cut understanding about video marketing tactics and trends. YouTube is a prevailing platform to optimize your video content. Make the best use of the built-in tools available in the website to enhance your visual content and gain maximum visibility for your brand.

Understanding YouTube Analytics and Its Basics

YouTube Analytics comes in when you have started using YouTube to upload and share videos and when you started to wonder who are watching your videos and how do they can get more views and better engagement.

When you build a dashing YouTube channel, the requirement is, you must understand who your audience is and how do they engage with your videos. As luck would have it, YouTube Analytics is to the rescue to tell you a lot more about your audience, what do they like, and what kind of content you should create to become successful.

Here are some overviews of YouTube Analytics to help you make the most of this tool. How to get started using this tool, the insights it provides, and any possible information available in your result that you can use to improve your results.

Get started by signing in to your Google account and navigate to your YouTube channel page, then at the top of your channel page, click on views to go directly to your channel’s analytics.

YouTube Analytics Overview

After following the said instructions above, you are now looking at your channels Analytics Overview. If you are on default settings, it gives you data for the past 28 days, but in another hand, you can change that to any period of time you wish to retrieve analytics from. The data that you are going to retrieve from this page is beneficial if you are looking to get a general report of how your channel is working. If you wanted to look for a slight capture of your channel’s performance, then Overview is the right place to go.

It is to be noted that YouTube Analytics are also based on Pacific Standard Time, updated once a day and might have a delay of 72 hours. If you really need to look to make the most of YouTube Analytics, you might need to hop into each detailed report.

Watch time Reports

This is where you will find the essential analytics on YouTube, it breaks down how your different videos and its quality are keeping your audience engaged. Watch Time Reports dispense insight of the overall performance of your channel and it can also be used to swim deeper into the performance of individual videos.

Views are the most basic measurement of your video’s success as it shows how many times your video has been watched. But they do not take into account users that click on your content and leave immediately because views are considered equal value nevertheless how long the user watched your video.
Watch time offers a more precise breakdown of the status of your content, YouTube sums up the time that people have spent watching your videos, it measures the estimated time that your audience has watched your video and showing how many minutes of your videos have collectively been watched on your channel.
Audience Retention embellish how suitably your video is maintaining its audience. You will be able to see how much your viewers are watching from each video, which parts are causing them to leave your content. It can be broken down more further to see your absolute audience retention and your relative audience retention which shows how your video compares to other YouTube videos of similar length and will help you determine which length video best fits you.
Demographics provides you a comprehensive look at who exactly is watching your video to better market them. YouTube also provides insight into the demographic breakdown of your audience by gender, age, and also geographic location so that you can modify your messaging respectively.
Playback locations show any sites or pages your video is being viewed on. It’s one of the great things about YouTube when you create fun and entertaining videos, your videos could be shared in different ways, by embedding your videos to their own website or blog. The bryce hall height tiktok Playback locations report separates views from your YouTube page, apps, or any website that you embed your video on. It will also give you estimated minutes watched, and average view duration, but broken down by location.
Traffic sources provide data on how your audience arrives at your video. There are different types of traffic sources and this include YouTube search, YouTube suggested videos which can be found on YouTube by clicking on a thumbnail, YouTube channel page, and YouTube playlist. You will be able to see how searchable your video while diagnosing which referral platform is gaining you the most traffic.
Devices show if your audience is watching your video whether on their Computer, Mobile phone, Tablet, and Game console. So you could refer to them to create shorter or long videos that would be better viewed from each gadget.
Engagement Reports

Views are only a part of building a flourishing YouTube channel. As you are kick-starting to modify your content to share on YouTube and build an audience, you may want to pursue which type of engagement your videos are generating.

Subscribers indicate how many subscribers you have gained and at the same time, how many subscribers you have lost. They are important because they are the users who are watching, engaging, and possibly influencing other people to watch your videos. Monitor your subscribers on a regular basis or as scheduled to help you diagnose if you’re or you’re not successful in doing this. Create videos that would make people come back and wanting for more.
Likes and Dislikes condense the number of people who liked and disliked your video. It is to be noted, that you should not focus on reaching your goals, you should work to inspire and entertain your viewers as they are essential to your success.
Comments provide you the number of comments your video has gathered. Comments can be a great way for you to know what is your audience’s’ perception about the video, at the same time to engage with them by answering their question or responding to their comments.
Sharing emphasizes the number of times your videos have been shared and where your videos have been shared to.
Annotations furnish information on your video annotations’ performance, their click-through, and close rate. It will give you valuable information on how effective are the call-to-action features of your videos.
The essential measure of success are those audiences who are attentive on your videos, your brand, and the message behind your videos. They show their support through their likes, shares, and comments on your videos.

YouTube Fame: Secret Strategies

Acquiring your video to go viral on YouTube is somehow a burly task. Famous videos on YouTube are charged with humorous and genuine content which connects with its audience. Watching tutorial videos to become famous is impossible. Brainstorming and listing down your ideas and considering some strategies could help you rank up your videos.

YouTube Analytics is alive but it is entombed in your account. It is a mini overview of your channel that could help you discover what does audience wants you to implement. When it comes to content and video marketing. The essential tools you could bring are quality and engagement, specific and pertinent content should be provided in order for your audience get to take action.

Do you want to authorize the real power of YouTube Video Content? Make your videos a lot more appealing, sharable and continue reading this article.

Finding your YouTube Channel Analytics is not easy unless you read an instruction on how to find it, it is worthy to find because from there you will see a bale of dashboards and reports from all areas that are needed for fertile exploration.

First, click on “Creator Studio,” located at the top right-hand corner then scroll down to Analytics. Then the secret discovery begins… just continue reading this article.

Channel Performance

Click on “overview” to see at least snapshots of your channel performance. This area might need your most consideration because you wanted the assurance of getting as much engagement from YouTube as your expected goal. Traffic, subscribers, and monetization of your content are some of the essential tools on your first steps to success.

YouTube Analytics is your important marketing message.

You might wonder who are those people watching your videos, where are they from and which group of age do they belong, lucky for you YouTube Analytics is to the rescue. YouTube’s platform really has impressive tools.

Being aware who your audience is will help you create content and marketing messages for them. Ready to meet them? Click on “demographics,” the report will provide you with your audience’s location and their age group. Once you already know your audience, you’ll be able to think broadly what kind of content you should create and modify in order to connect and speak directly to your audience.

YouTube Analytics for a higher rank in search engines.

Are you satisfied with your videos’ views? You might be thinking that your audience does love and appreciates your content, take a look at your Retention Rate, you might be surprised with the rate of viewers who clicks away before your video is finished. Retention Rate provides you with the average time for each of your videos. This area from your Analytics is very important (In fact, all of the areas!) because that is where Google looks at and uses to judge and tell if your video is interesting or sad to say, uninteresting.

“Higher retention rate, Higher search ranks!” keep that in mind. Shorter videos can increase the possibility of people watching your content till the end. Think about yourself as a viewer, if the video is too long, either you are going to skip a scene from it or just leave the video. Right? how tall is bryce hall must think about your audience’s interests, then once you have the knowledge in what does your audience is looking for, you should be able to create content that delivers the information they need.

YouTube Analytics to drive traffic to your website? Possible!

Finding strategies to drive traffic and generate leads to your website is somewhat essential when it comes to operating a business. Well, if you are running a YouTube channel and you need to generate leads from it, the answers are already in your hands! This area is one of the amazing secrets behind your YouTube channel. Using YouTube Analytics, you could drive traffic to your website from your videos, 100% confidently sure! How?

Ever seen some pop-ups on a YouTube video? These are annotations! It’s like a call-to-action box that lays over the top of the video, it could be annoying for the viewers because it might be blocking what they are watching. But, if you use this feature the right way, guarantee, YouTube Annotations can turn your viewers into leads and sales!

YouTube Analytics provides you the pitons and dunk for your content, you can point the time period when engagement is high and find the point where most of the viewers click away from your video. Here’s the strategy: Find that speck where your viewers stop watching your content, that is where you are going to provide them the annotation which points to your website, make sure to put it ten seconds before the point they exit. Start turning many of these “exit peoples” into leads! Add an “Associated Website” annotation right before the dip with a clear message to give the viewers a reason to click your call-to-action. Observe the efficient increase of views to your websites and leads just by adding annotations to your videos.

Improving your Annotations’ conversion? YouTube Analytics is the solution!

“Click Through Rates” is one of the most effective features of YouTube Analytics, it features your annotations. You can see which annotations are connecting with your content and which are not. Once you are situated on the inner part of Annotation Analytics. You can now obtain the opportunity to track the click-through rates for each annotation you have. By using this feature, you will be able to:

Adjust the time of annotations, you will be able to perceive and measure the success of conversion, and also the failure of conversion.
Modify or adjust the copy of your annotations to measure the difference that transpires.
YouTube Analytics for collecting data for your paid advertising.

Use YouTube Analytics to create, modify, and produce the marketing message to define your targeting when it’s about paid advertising. Finding out which videos are the most popular with the highest number of views. You will also find which and what sort of contents your viewers are engaging. From there, it will allow you to create ads that will hit and explode interest for your market, either with YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter which are all providing an extensively effective ways to advertise your brand and business, this strategy will help you get better to reciprocate from your advertising activities.

YouTube and the Classroom

Peter Drucker, author of Managing the Future observed: “We live in a very turbulent time, not because there is so much change, but because it moves in so many different directions.” (Drucker, 1993) Effective college and university instructors have to be ableto recognize and run with opportunity to learn, and to constantly refresh the knowledge base.” The complexity of rapidly changing teaching technology makes it a critical objectives for practitioners to learn about the latest tools to enhance presentations in the classroom. YouTube has proven in the last two year to be an emerging technology withstrong potential for enhancing classroom discussions, lectures and presentations.

The following paper discusses the history of YouTube, the impact of YouTube ontoday’s public speaking audience, and the use of YouTube to enhance public speaking curriculum. As part of the research 77 undergraduate students taking the introductoryspeech course at Daytona Beach College (DeLand, Florida campus) were surveyed about the use of YouTube technology in the classroom.


YouTube, the latest gift/threat, is a free video-sharing Web site that has rapidly become a wildly popular way to upload, share, view and comment onvideo clips. With more than 100 million viewings a day and more than 65,000 videos uploaded daily, the Web portal provides teachers with a growing amount if visual information share with a classroom full of young multimedia enthusiasts. (Dyck, 2007) Based in San Mateo, YouTube is a small privately-funded company. The company was founded by Chad Hurley and Steven Chen. The company raised over $11 million of funding from Sequoia

Capital, the firm who also provided initial venture capital for Google, The founders initially had a contest inviting the posting of videos. The contest got the attention of the masses and Google, Inc. In October 2006, Google acquired the company for 1.65 billion in Google stock.

Since spring of 2006, YouTube has come to hold the leading position in online video with 29% of the U.S. multimedia entertainment market.YouTube videos account for 60% of all videos watched online . . . The site specializes in short, typically two minute, homemade, comic videos created by users. YouTube serves as a quick entertainment break or viewers with broadband computer connections at work or home. (Reuters, 2006)

In June (2006), 2.5 billion videos were watched on YouTube. More bryce hall than 65,000 videos are now uploaded daily to YouTube. YouTube boasts nearly 20 million unique users per month, according to Nielsen/NetRatings. (Reuters, 2006) Robert Hinderliter, Kansas State University developed an interesting video history of The segment can be found on the website.

Impact of YouTube in the classroom

“The growing adoption of broadband combined with a dramatic push by content providers to promote online video has helped to pave the way for mainstream audiences to embrace online video viewing. The majority of adult internet users in the United States (57%) report watching or downloading some type of online video content and 19% do so on a typical day. (Madden, 2007). Daytona Beach College students surveyed indicated that a majority of the students watch videos on a weekly basis. College instructors can capitalize on the surge in viewing online videos byincorporating their use in the classroom.

Communication research on using visuals as an enhancement to presentations is supported by early researchers including Aristotle. “Although ancient orators weren’t aware of our currently research on picture memory, they did know the importance of vividness. They knew that audiences were more likely to pay attention to and be persuaded by visual images painted by the speaker. In his Rhetoric (Book III, Chapters 10-11) Aristotle describes the importance of words and graphic metaphors that should “set the scene before our eyes.” He defines graphic as “making your hearers see things.” (Hamilton, 2006)

“Today’s audiences expect presentations to be visually augmented, whether they are communicated in the guise of a lecture, a business report, or a public speech. What’s more, today’s audience expects the speaker to visually augment such presentations with a level of sophistication unheard of even 10 years ago.” (Bryden, 2008)

The use of visuals increases persuasive impact. For example, a University of Minnesota study found that using visuals increases persuasiveness by 43 percent (Simons, 1998). Today’s audiences are accustomed to multimedia events that bombard the senses. They often assume that any formal presentation must be accompanied by some visual element. . . Presenters who used visual aids were also perceived as being more professional, better prepared, and more interesting than those who didn’t use visual aids. One of the easiest ways you can help ensure the success of a speech is to prepare interesting and powerful visual aids. Unfortunately, many speakers either don’t use visual aids or use ones that are overcrowded , outdated or difficult to understand. (Ober, 2006)

“The saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” is usually true. A look at right brain/left brain theory explains why visuals speed listener comprehension. While the left hemisphere of the brain specializes in analytical processing, the right hemisphere specializes in simultaneous processing of information and pays little attention to details. Speakers who use no visual aids or only charts loaded with statistics are asking the listeners’ left brains to do all the work. After a while, even a good left-brain thinker suffers from information overload, begins to make mistakes in reasoning, and loses interest. In computer terminology, “the system shuts down.” The right brain, however can quickly grasp complex ideas presented in graphic form.” (Hamilton, 2006)

“Most people process and retain information best when they receive it in more than one format. Research findings indicate that we remember only about 20 percent of what we hear, but more than 50 percent of what we see and hear. Further we remember about 70 percent of what we see, hear, and actually do. Messages that are reinforced visually and otherwise are often more believable than those that are simply verbalized. As the saying goes, “Seeing is believing.” (O’Hair, 2007) The majority of students surveyed at Daytona Beach College indicated a preference for audio/visual supplements to oral presentations.
