Please help with getting Korg 05r/w panel to work.

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      It seems like Ctrlr could be pretty awesome so I really want to try to get this to work.
      I’m using Windows 10 and an external soundcard with MIDI in and out ports. I can successfully send MIDI notes to my Korg 05r/w via Ableton or with the MIDI player from MIDI-OX and I made MIDI-OX receive an “All Data”-dump from the Korg via Sysex – I could not get it to receive the same dump again though, so I probably have to change some settings on the korg or put it into a certain mode?
      I downloaded the Korg 05r/w panel for Ctrlr ( and I keep getting errors. Trying older versions of Ctrlr didn’t help, but the panel is from September 2017, so I guess it should work with the latest version (5.4.52)?
      When I try the “read from dev” button to receive patch data I get the following error:
      No valid Midi data received.
      Check connections and MIDI settings.
      The mentioned setting “EX” for letting system exclusive messages pass is set to “ENA” (enabled), but the error still comes up.
      When I try to send a patch to the device I get this message:
      “Callback error: sendProgram
      At line [-1]: [C]
      What: C
      Namewhat: global
      Name: console
      Error message: Ambiguous, candidates:
      void console(String const&)
      void console(std::string const&)

      Method disabled”
      The same error pops up with a different headline when I try to edit single paramaters of the patch. The MIDI Monitor shows outgoing data both when trying to send parameter changes and when requesting the sending of patches from the device. Both Ctrlr and the Korg are set to MIDI channel 1, all MIDI filters on the Korg are disabled – is there anything I didn’t think of?
      Any help is appreciated.

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        After reading a bit on the forum I changed the Ctrlr version again to the one on the frontpage (5.3.201) – still doesn’t work.

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          What exactly does not work with Ctrlr build 5.3.201?

          This one is a bug of the newest version. It won’t happen with 5.3.201:
          When I try to send a patch to the device I get this message:
          “Callback error: sendProgram
          At line [-1]: [C]
          What: C
          Namewhat: global
          Name: console
          Error message: Ambiguous, candidates:
          void console(String const&)
          void console(std::string const&)

          Method disabled”

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            Having the same issues here since trying the first time last year. I tried both on a pc and a Mac and the problem occurs on both platforms. Today I tried JayB’s version which was initially for the X5DR but is supposed to be compatible with the 05R/w. I can confirm it doesn’t even open on a Mac 🙁

            Has anyone with this issue had any luck yet?

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              I can help finding the issue but I haven’t the synth. Will see if I can fake receiving a dump.
              I downloaded the panel and clicked on the RECV button and after 10s I’m getting the error message mentioned above.
              Will now look into the code generating this error and check what the panel is expecting to receive.

              On your side, I’d like you to provide me
              1. what the synth is expected to receive as request from the panel (some program dump request)
              2. what the synth is expected to send as dump

              Please provide me those 2 sysex.
              Don’t have the time to read the manual but will do it after getting those sysex from you.

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                Please set your synth in Channel 1
                Use MidiOX (PC) or sysex librarian (Mac) and send the following to the synth:
                f0 42 30 36 4E 03 00 F7 (set synth to program edit mode)
                f0 42 30 36 10 F7 (request program dump)
                In MidiOX you should see the dump coming.

                I didn’t check those 2 sysex commands and I suppose they are right (otherwise we investigate this as well)
                Let me know the result

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                  Goodweather, thanks for responding. Although I did not manage to send a single line of sysex data with sysex librarian, I did a sysex dump both to and from the module. Worked like a charm, so no problem there.

                  Having recently tried Ctrlr again I haven’t managed to read or write anything anymore from and to the module contrary to when I started.

                  Tried several versions of Ctrlr now, using different cables, 5 different laptops, macOSX, windows 7, 8 and 10, different MIDI interfaces to no avail…

                  So, what would the next step be?

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                    Well, we need to progress step by step. If it doesn’t work either with MidiOX or Sysex Librarian then it will not work with Ctrlr.
                    Ctrlr version to use is 5.3.201 on PC

                    Did you sent the 2 sysex I gave you?
                    In MidiOX, open the sysex window, put the sysex above in top part command then send sysex.
                    Watch the midi input
                    This needs to be OK first

                    If working, then we will look into Ctrlr first as a separate panel to be able to reproduce then in the panel you want to use.

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                      Right, ultimately tested it in MidiOX, and it works,
                      in CTRLR using the 05r/w panel by mdeca.
                      In that 05r/w panel > ‘program’screen, when clicking ‘read from device’ I see the following sysex in the CTRLR MIDI monitor window:

                      F0 42 30 36 4E 03 00 F7, followed by F0 42 30 36 10 F7

                      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Gnasher.
                      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Gnasher.
                      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Gnasher.
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                        Excellent! Now we know that it works outside Ctrlr so we eliminate interface, sysex synthax issues…
                        Next step is indeed to do it from Ctrlr.
                        Using the 05r/w panel is a shortcut. So you see in the Output monitor that they are fired to the synth. Do you see anything in the Input monitor? Is it enabled? The dump should appear.

                        Did you check your Midi settings in the Midi menu? Input AND Output. Are there the same as the ones you used when you did the test with MidiOX?

                        I will look at the panel to check if there is no Midi channel override.
                        If still not working, I can extract the button and put some code in a separate new test panel containing only that. This should help isolating the issue and solving it.

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                          As stated in the previous post, when I click on ‘read from device’ the monitor shows:
                          F0 42 30 36 4E 03 00 F7, followed by F0 42 30 36 10 F7.

                          So that should be correct. However, I receive the message:

                          No valid MIDI data received.
                          Check connections and MIDI settings.
                          Check GLOBAL -> 2C MIDI filter -> EX.ENA.

                          I can confirm it is set to ‘enabled’. This is the message a bunch of other users have encountered.

                          This time Ctrlr completely froze so I had to quit. After restart I tried it again, and it worked fine, at least with regard to the ‘program’.

                          As this worked I tried out ‘combination’ but it resulted in the same:

                          No valid MIDI data received.
                          Check connections and MIDI settings.
                          Check GLOBAL -> 2C MIDI filter -> EX.ENA.

                          Restored, repeated and it worked. I could even shift the combination numbers of the module in the Ctrlr interface buy pushing the up and down button (+1 and -1) on the module. The MIDI monitor shows that the module responded with sysex data.

                          I tried the same with ‘program’, but that didn’t work, at least not in the same manner; having selected ‘prog’ on the module I click the ‘up’ (+1) button for the next program, nothing happens, unless I click the ‘edit’ button on the module.

                          Note that this very rarely happens. In almost all of the cases I get the timeout message.

                          Anyhoo, back to the dump request from Ctrlr to the module.
                          When I click ‘Read program names from device’ sysex data is sent to the module.
                          The module responds with “processing”, active sensing freezes on the monitor window and I do not see any data going back to Ctrlr monitor.
                          Suddenly I see some data on the monitor, but the screen is immediately cleared from all data, so I am unable to see what has happened.

                          I look on monitor of MIDIoX in which I could see that the module in fact had indeed sent data. Ctrlr however did not respond to that.

                          Same goes for the ‘Backup’ option, while MIDIoX shows that the module is in fact dumping data, Ctrlr does not respond other than the previously mentioned timeout message.

                          So my conclusion would be a bug, either in Ctrlr or the Panel itself.

                          As soon as I have started fiddling with this the previous options (connection between combinations and programs of the module with Ctrlr) are lost.

                          • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Gnasher.
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                            OK. Thx for your detailed reply.
                            As I said, let’s try to get this working in a simple panel doing only that.
                            I’ll prepare one.

                            In parallel, I’ll ask you to do it again with MidiOX and to save in a file the dump you receive back.
                            You can also download HxD which is an hexadecimal analyzer. We wil be able to see the content of the file and compare dumps from different origins (for example, the one from MidiOX and the one from our new panel)

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                              When I click on ‘Read prog names from device’, the display on the module says ‘combination’ which I found odd. Ctrlr then gives a ‘Callback error’ as shown below.

                              While Ctrlr gave this error, I recorded the output in Sysex Librarian, and it shows that the module has indeed dumped the Combinations, rather than the Programs. In contrast with Ctrlr, Sysex librarian gave no errors, which I saved.

                              I loaded this Combination dump file under the File-Utilities tab of the 05r/w panel and it read the file without any issues.

                              1. The ‘read program names’ should in fact go to the ‘combination’ section and an actual dump request for the ‘programs’ should be added in the ‘Program’ section.
                              2. Requesting a dump results into an error.

                              • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Gnasher.
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                                00 F0 42 30 36 1D 00 F7 is a sysex request for the combinations
                                00 F0 42 30 36 1C 00 F7 is a sysex request for the programs

                                As soon as I click ‘get programs from device’ under the ‘files & utilities’ tab it sends the first code. So clearly the programmer has made a typo here.
                                Unfortunately I have no idea where to change that as I am somewhat computer illiterate…

                                I did some checking though in the LUA editor, but could not find that specific typo under ‘Load(all)prog(s)fromdevice’

                                • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Gnasher.
                                • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Gnasher.
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                                  OK. Thx for your good feedback.
                                  I will have a look in the panel if I see something obviously wrong.
                                  Otherwise, I would prefer to do as I proposed before with a test panel (or still with the good panel but with new buttons and specific code).

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                                    In Programs, clikcing on read from device gives
                                    [20:18:52:000077]: Time(1.000000) [System exclusive] Ch:[–] No:[—-] Val:[—-] RAW:[f0 42 32 36 4e 03 00 f7]
                                    [20:18:52:000077]: Time(1.000000) [System exclusive] Ch:[–] No:[—-] Val:[—-] RAW:[f0 42 32 36 10 f7]
                                    I used Channel 3 so seeing 32 there is correct
                                    In Combi, clicking on read from device gives
                                    [20:29:13:000072]: Time(1.000000) [System exclusive] Ch:[–] No:[—-] Val:[—-] RAW:[f0 42 32 36 19 f7]

                                    With both he is launching a timer that gives the message above if reaching its end.
                                    I’m now looking at the midiParseReceived method where he is handling the response from the synth.

                                    Can you request the dump by MidiOX and attach here the reply you get from the synth?
                                    F0 42 30 36 4E 03 00 F7, followed by F0 42 30 36 10 F7
                                    WHen i get your dump file, I can test the message handling method by myself without the synth

                                    In File-Utilities, the button Read prog names from device gives indeed
                                    [20:34:30:000492]: Time(1.000000) [System exclusive] Ch:[–] No:[—-] Val:[—-] RAW:[f0 42 32 36 1d 00 f7]
                                    You can modify this easily by yourself as it is not in the code
                                    – open the panel
                                    – select Panel -> Panel mode in the menu
                                    – go to File-Utilities tab and select the Read prog names from device button
                                    – you see the list of its properties on the right side
                                    – scroll down to the Midi section until you see midiMessageSysexFormula
                                    – replace 1D by 1C
                                    – switch panel mode Panel -> Panel mode in the menu
                                    – test
                                    – Save the panel (or Save As)

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                                      Can you request the dump by MidiOX and attach here the reply you get from the synth?
                                      F0 42 30 36 4E 03 00 F7, followed by F0 42 30 36 10 F7
                                      WHen i get your dump file, I can test the message handling method by myself without the synth

                                      Still waiting for a dump to be able to analyse it…

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                                        Hope this is it…

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                                          Thx. I started looking at the manual (to have the sysex descriptions) and your dump.
                                          Can you tell me if you got this dump at once or if it was 2 messages.
                                          In the file you gave me there are indeed 2 messages.
                                          A first short one is an ACK then the second one is the actual program dump.
                                          In the code used to analyse the response from the synth, the author is indeed tracking those 2 messages so it should work.
                                          So, would be good for me to know if you actually got 2 messages or one “combined”
                                          The ACK can also be the answer of the first request to set the synth in Edit mode.

                                          What I will do is to take your program dump (I will isolate the dump part) and check the reaction/load in the panel.
                                          If this is working then the issue could be a timing problem. The synth answering too fast for the panel to read the messages or the panel not waiting enough or …

                                          What we can also try is to separate the switch to Edit mode from the request of a program dump. Why would we need to switch to Edit mode at each program dump request?

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                                            ACK as in acknowledge?

                                            I did one combined.

                                            “If this is working then the issue could be a timing problem. The synth answering too fast for the panel to read the messages or the panel not waiting enough or …”

                                            Could indeed be the case.

                                            • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Gnasher.
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