Radio Button Code Generator

  • Version 1.0
  • 10/20/2020

This panel is for developers wishing to add radio buttons using png images to a panel.
uiComponent and mouse detection functions are generated to console for cutting and pasting into a project.

First initialise images (and text) Click on areas [1] [2] [3]
Images must be loaded as resources.
 If you use custom fonts, another user may not have the same fonts on their system.
	On Windows 10 any fonts installed in c:WINDOWSFonts should load, but custom fonts seem not to.
	You can include the font as a resource in a panel you release, but I am not sure if that works on 
	every platform.
(1) First import image/font resources into this panel.
(2) Import one image for 'off state' and a separate image for 'on state' with same dimensions.
(3) Generate code by clicking on "print code to console"
(Open the `console` window first and clear any previous messages)
In your panel:
(A) Create a  uiComponent** add a function with any name to 'Paint callback' field e.g.myPaintCallback"
(B) Create a mouseDown function in the uiComponent** in  'Mouse down callback' 
(C) Create a mouseMove function in the uiComponent** in  'Mouse move callback' 
(D) In 'Resources' add 2 png images of the same size, one for "off state" and one for "on state"
	*Load the exact same images (and custom fonts) used in this program.


Example of a radio button set generated by this program.
Example of a radio button set generated by this program.


Creating Radio Buttons separate to this program

Radio Buttons can also be created using code such as below, where the lua table t{} contains the names of the buttons in the radio group

ProgramSelect = function(--[[ CtrlrModulator --]] mod --[[ number --]], value --[[ number --]], source)
    if source == 4 then
        local sName = L(mod:getName())
        local t = {"PROGRAM01", "PROGRAM02", "PROGRAM03", "PROGRAM04"} -- local table of 4 radio buttons
        for i, v in pairs(t) do
            if sName == v then
                local sysMess = string.format("F0 00 00 23 01 43 C1 00 %.2X F7", i - 1)
                _G[v]:setValue(0, true) 
               -- don't use panel:getComponent(v) // use panel:getModulatorByName(v)
end -- source == 4 (user clicked on a button - not lua generated - that would be 5 or 6) end
*NOTE: Where PROGRAM01 etc are initialised in an init script
"Called when the panel has finished loading"

With thanks to Tedjuh for assistance and comments in the development of this panel.
Version 1.0 ※ 10/22/2020


3 thoughts on “Radio Button Code Generator”

  1. Great work Dnaldoog. Easy to use multi-radiobutton-generater. Especially for those that do not know Lua or the custom component that well.

    The output of the lua code to console is also an eye-opener. And it’s easy to expand it with your own png’s.

    Big thumbs up!!

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