Akai SG01v panel

A simple editor for the Akai SG01v sound module. Fairly simple box with surprisingly good sounds. This is my first attempt at panel programming, so any suggestions will be welcome. Happy tweaking!






Downloads: 1,852


AKAI MINIAK/ Alesis Micron

Editor for AKAI MINIAK and Alesis Micron.

Alesis Micron requires firmware 1.10.

Unfortunately, the editor can not add Mod matrix.
If you want to add Mod matrix, you need manually add each Mod matrix on synth itself before editing.
Similarly, add adequate Mod matrix before loading .syx file.



-Browse patches in synth and .syx files.
-Patch category search that includes .syx files.
-Load and Save individual patches in synth. (Synth tab/ Category tab)
-Load and Save individual patches in .syx format. Compatible with patches from MINIAK/Micron. The .syx patch is loaded to edit buffer. You can preview .syx patches on the fly. (File tab/ Category tab)
-Randomizer for oscillator, filter, tracking generator.
-Patch initialization.
-Revert/Unrevert. (not function on synth.)



The first time, I recommend requesting full list (incl. category).
Please do not forget to save list before you close editor.


Panel version: 1.1
Date: January 9, 2014

Download 100.6 KB


Known Issues:
If buttons (‘load list’ etc.) are not responding, please try below.
‘Programs’ menu > ‘Program snapshot’ and,
‘Programs’ menu > ‘Snapshots’ submenu > ‘Snapshot – xx:xx:xx’


1.1. Fixed dialog popup issue with plugin instance.

