Studio Electronics Omega 8

Everything is working fine! The only thing is that I didn’t have the full list of the CC’s of Omega, so I was unable to make modulators for the inner functions of the synth and for the “glide” effect.
How to use the panel in Ableton 8.3:
1. Start the DAW and turn off the midi in/outputs the Omega is connected to. Restart Ableton.
2. Put the Ctrlr vst plugin into a new channel and open the Omega panel in the plugin.
3. Select the midi in/output/controller the synth is connected with.
4. Select Midi thru – Plugin host -> Output device
5. To record audio in the DAW select an audio track and use the audio input the synth is connected with. You can also record from notes written in Ableton in the midi track the plugin is assigned to.
6. To use automation select the plugin in the bottom of Ableton and select “configure” so it turns green. Rotate some modulators in the panel and it will appear in the midi track. Now you can automate the selected function.
7. [off-topic] Calibrate the latency by editing the delay in the midi track.
If someone has the official Omega manual from SE I would be very grateful if you could send me a scan of the whole manual or at least the pages with the CC command list so I can extend the panel and add more modulators!

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