Hughes & Kettner – GrandMeister Desktop Remote

This version is no longer maintained, please use the new version instead.

An editor for the Hughes & Kettner GrandMeister 36 and GrandMeister Deluxe 40 guitar amps.

Here is a new version for this editor (v2.5.2) with full support for GrandMeister Deluxe 40.

Once started the Editor will try to connect to the Amp (don’t forget to setup the “Input” / “Device” and “Output” / “Device” in the “Midi” menu). Once connected it will synchronize with the Amp by downloading all the presets from it.

There is a “Library” / “Amp” toggle button in the “Preset” section allowing to switch between editing the current Amp preset or the current Library preset. When in “Library” mode, the presets stored in the amp are not modified, unless you use the “Store” or “Store As” button.

The “Compare” section allows you to visualize and ear the differences between the current preset before and after your modifications. When flipping the toggle button, any modified command will turn orange and switch between the original and modified value. If you want to cancel your changes, simply hit the “Restore Orig.” button.

In the “Settings” screen, you can use the “Power Soak” toggle to switch between “Global” (Power Soak value is kept the same on every preset) or “Preset” (each preset has it’s own Power Soak value) mode. The “Global” mode is only available in “Library” mode.

The application is now capable of loading files generated with H&K’s iPad application. Simply select a .gm36memory file from the “Load” screen, it will be automatically converted and saved in a .gm36 file. You can also export your libraries into iPad compatible .gm36memory files with the “Save for iPad” button. Support for reading files exported from the Android application has also been added.

The Library Editor screen allows you to rearrange presets within your library files. Use shift + arrow keys to select multiple presets ; move presets using the dedicated up and down buttons ; and copy/paste patches using shift + c / shit + v shortcuts. Once you’re done, go back to the main screen and save your library or send it to the amp. You can also open an external file and use it’s content as a source for copy/paste operations.

Download Windows Application (2.5.2) – Downloads: 7,348

Download Mac Application (2.5.2) – Downloads: 3,206

Library Editor screen :


History :

– Version 2.5.2 : Fixed library file restore on startup.

– Version 2.5.1 : Fixed power soak setting backup on GM40. Fixed FSM 432 MKIII synchronization on GM40. Fixed errors on Library Editor when moving presets outside of 0-128 range.

– Version 2.5 : Fixed support for GrandMeister Deluxe 40 amp. Added bank number display.

– Version 2.4 : Added Library Editor + experimental support for GrandMeister Deluxe 40. Added support for Android App file import.

– Version 2.3 : Fixed delay time and tempo displayed values to align with iPad app. Fixed “callback” errors. Fixed synchronization between app and FSM footswitch. Added .gm36memory file support. Added Global Power Soak setting.

– Version 2.2.1 : Fixed delay / reverb / modulation state and global mute management. Fixed boost button image in compare mode.

– Version 2.2 : Fixed progress bar bugs. Added upload error recovery. Added compare mode. Added settings window. Added help window. Added connection detection procedure on connected/synced led click. Added update check.

– Version 2.1.1 : Fixed bug of Modulation Type rotary not updating. Fixed bug of fx loop / boost / noise gate not correctly synced with amp

– Version 2.1 : Updated design thanks to image resources kindly provided by Hughes & Kettner. Fixed Midi Out channel detection for “Store” and “Store As” buttons.

– Version 2.0.1 : Fixed “Restore” and “Send to amp” bug. Fixed bug with boost checkbox changing the modulation intensity. Fixed “Store” and “Store As” bug when not using Channel 1.

– Version 2.0 : Added Backup/Restore and preset management feature

– Version 1.1 : Added preset naming support

– Version 1.0 : First version with only live edit mode

54 thoughts on “Hughes & Kettner – GrandMeister Desktop Remote”

    • Hi mvy,
      Send me an email, I’ll come back to you.
      Use the “Send feedback” link in help page of the app.
      If the editor does not sync it’s most likely a MIDI setup issue.
      Make sure the MIDI OUT of your computer’s MIDI interface is connected to the MIDI IN of the amp and the MIDI OUT of the amp the the MIDI IN of the computer’s interface.
      You also need to select the appropriate input device and output device in the MIDI menu of the app.
      One last thing, several people reported issues with 5$ cheap Chinese USB/MIDI interfaces, so don’t buy them…

      • Hi Fredo, I have the same problem. Midi out seems to work but there no Midi in? Can’t switch from Library to Amp? Do you have any idea? Thanks for support!

  1. YOur post is a few months old, but maybe another user will find it looking for the same info; I use either the M-Audio midiman or My Presonus Audiobox USB to connect my GM to the computer. One box, two midi cables (so the communication works in both directions and you can actually save what you do). Midi out to midi in, twice.

  2. Hi, new member here. Trying to use on WinXP PC & laptop. Same as Mvy and Cosmoplex above, responses come in, changes at amp show up in app on PC but can’t get anything the other way. Outgoing RAW midi messages in midi monitor reflect changes made in app but fields like Channel No and Val show [—-]. Channel is set to 1 in Input, Controller and Output and amp set to Channel 1, (0 LEDs on Channel). Is there a setting I have missed to enable send Channel No and Val etc information?

    • Hi bordonbert,
      It is normal not to have any value in channel number and val columns since all the communication between the amp and the editor uses SYSEX messages (which do not have channel and value content).
      Most of the time the “one way only” communication syndrome comes from a faulty USB/MIDI interface…
      If you use a cheap no-name interface, I suggest to try and buy an interface from a known brand like M-Audio.
      Best regards,


      • Thanks Fredo. What you say fits perfectly with my situation and what I have now found. Cheap Chinese interface is on the ball, I have of course ditched it for this instance. I remembered I have a Lexicon Lambda which has MIDI throughput so I have tried that and can report it worked brilliantly from the word “Go”! Most impressive bit of software you have come up with.

        Now for a suggestion. There is a setting where the Power Amp settings can be set to “Global”. I assume this means that Presence and Resonance can be locked to a single setting and don’t change with presets. How about adding a similar switch to lock the Power Soak setting so it doesn’t get kicked up to 36W every time I select a new factory preset?

        I know you can resave each preset to a new slot with the lower Power Soak level in there, but it would be nice to use the default factory range as they are but tell the amp “change everything according to the new selection but leave the Power Soak at 5W for all”. The Power Soak is the only one I can think of which could really benefit from this.

        But thanks for all your effort, the windows version is a great resource. And the Lexicon Lambda can be added to the list of working interfaces.

  3. Hi!
    Give me please models of USB to Midi adapters whats work correctly with GrandMeister 36 on Windows XP and android.
    Chinese adapter at price 5$ from aliexpress dont work.

  4. Hi fredo,
    this is freaking great stuff: V2.3 with the fixes. My setup GM36, UM ONE, Yamaha FS7, FSM 423 MK III, WinPC works like CHARM! The whole setup is working in each and every direction Callback errors gone. It is a REAL efficient environment now!!! BIG BIG THANKS!!!! Is there any plan to have 2.3 also availble for MAC (using this on stage …..)??
    Cheers, TRT

  5. Hi, Fredo!
    1. I use GM36 and app v 2.5 on windows 7. But in settings showed amp type gm40. It’s normal?
    2. On library mode if I switch preset on PC, preset don’t changed on FSM-432 midiboard, displayed old number on midiboard. But if I switch button on midiboard, preset is changed in library. Synchronization work in one direction. On amp mode all very well in both direction on PC.
    It is bug?
    On android app in library mode synchronization with midiboard is work.

    Sorry for my English.

      • In version 2.5.2 GM36 synchronization with midiboard on library mode don’t work absolutely, in version 2.5 worked in one way from midiboard to PC. But i see new bug. On library mode if I switch preset on PC, preset don’t changed on FSM-432 midiboard. If I press button on midiboard in library mode, I can not change preset in library, because toggle on application switched from library to amp mode. Why ?

        • Hi psn1982,
          What you describe is not a bug : the FSM-432 is not meant to be used in Library mode since it will change the preset on the amp and break synchronization between the library preset displayed on the app and the amp preset loaded on the head.
          For that reason I made the app switch to amp mode whenever you use the FSM, so that what’s displayed on the amp and in the app stay consistent.

          • Hi, Fredo!
            But on android tablet pc FSM-432 work very well in amp mode and app (library) mode. And synchronization don’t breaking between library presets and amp presets, because it different presets. I can work separatly with amp presets loaded to amp and app presets stored in app with midiboard. I can switch preset on library with keyboard and mouse or with FSM-432. And on display on FSM and adroid i see actually information (number preset wrom library). For example, I can play on guitar at home with FSM-432 on library presets and don’t change presets loaded to amp for live concerts. If i need switch preset stored to amp, I swich toggle app-amp to amp mode on adroid and select preset with mouse or FSM. If I need new preset on amp, I load it from library to amp. I can shoot video with android and FSM-432 and send it on email.

          • Hi, Fredo.
            Can You release special version of app, that can work with FSM-432 in library mode?
            This function is much-needed.

  6. I have just used Fredo’s latest version 2.5.2 with an iRig Midi 2 USB interface and a Grandmeister Deluxe 40 and everything I tried worked great. I can’t thank Fredo enough for building this. This app saved me from buying an iPad just for this amp. The library editor is such an awesome and useful feature. It will save me a ton of time when trying to reorder my patches. THX

    • Bull,

      I’m not sure MIDI over Bluetooth is available on Windows yet, depends on the version I think (check here, “Windows 10 anniversary update” :
      If this is OK it should work fine with my app.
      You need to make sur that the Yamaha MIDI bluetooth adapter is compatible with the GM 36 too. These adapters take their power from the MIDI socket, and this is not supported by all MIDI interfaces.



  7. Fredo: Hello from Chicago! Just got a Grandmeister 40, and want to use your app with my MacBook Pro. What interface would you recommend that would allow me to connect the amp to the computer, and still plug in the H&K midi pedal? Or, what about using the H&K wireless – WMI-1? Does that work too?

    • Hi Chris,
      Any class compliant USB/MIDI interface should work with your Mac as long as you don’t go with a cheap noname china interface.
      I use M-Audio, they work fine.
      You should be able to use WMI-1 too with your Mac, but I never tried it as I don’t own one.
      Best regards,

    • Hi timbury,
      I can help you generate a Linux version if you will. It’s no big deal if you have a Linux PC up and running : just need to download the correct version of Ctrlr, load my panel and use the binary export function. Let me know if you want to try.

  8. Fredo, I am now connected to my GM 40 with a n iConnectivity mio USB to MIDI, to my Macbook Pro. Device is connected, all set to channel one. Problem is, I can’t select Amp mode – it’s stuck in Library. So when I try to do a “send to amp” it just hangs at 0%. I assume it’s a setup issue – what am I missing?

    • Wait, hang on, Fredo – I twiddled a knob on the amp, and it suddenly switched into amp mode! And it saved my new settings to the amp – hurray! Now, I still can’t seem to do a full “send to amp” save of the library … but that doesn’t really matter, as long as I can change the presets individually.

      • Yep sometimes it ca be a bit tricky to get the communication established the first time. You need to connect you’re MIDI interface and switch the amp on before you launch the application to be sure the communication is OK.

  9. Fredo, I am not having any luck getting my computer and amp to sync. I thought it was working, but it’s not. The only way to get it to “amp” instead of library is to twiddle a knob on the amp. But that only affects preset 1A. I can’t find any way to get it so I can make changes on my Mac and have it affect the amp. I’ve tried every possible order of connecting, I’ve checked the MIDI settings … nothing. Got any tips? It’s a good MIDI cable, an up-to-date Mac and V 2.5.2 of the remote. Help! my email is if you want to reach me that way. – Chris

  10. Fredo solved my problem! I wasn’t getting any connection between the amp and my Mac. Turned out the cable I was using, a MIO by iConnectivity needed a firmware upgrade. He figured that out, I did it, and now it’s working as promised. Thanks, Fredo! For anyone else having unexplained connection issues, check your cable.

  11. One more tip Fredo offered me that works great: How to hook up your midi cable AND your FSM 432 footswitch at the same time:

    USB interface OUT -> FSM 432 IN ; FSM 432 OUT -> AMP IN ; AMP OUT -> USB interface IN.

    All you need is a 10 or 15 ft. midi cable (whatever distance you have from your footswitch to your amp) and a female coupler to connect your new midi cable to your USB interface in. Works like a charm to give you control via laptop and footswitch.

  12. A great panel!
    I tried it with windows10 + roland um-one mk2 and GM40 and it worked very well.
    The connections:
    USB interface out “connect to midi in” -> FSM 432 mk3 IN ; FSM 432 mk3 OUT -> AMP IN ; AMP OUT -> USB interface IN “connect to midi out”.

    Thank you very much fredo!

  13. Hi, when opening the GR-R software, there is nothing but a white panel, is it because my amp is not recognized by the remote ?

    I’m using a Windows 10 laptop and a Roland UM-ONE MkII interface, and have selected it as both my MIDI input and output devices as well as controller on channel 1, when turning knobs on the GM36, the “In” light of my MIDI interfaces blinks but that’s about it. I was pretty careful to connect them properly and even tried swapping them around but nothing seems to do the trick, any advice ?

    Thanks a lot for your help !

    • Hi Althos,

      No a blank page is not normal : event is the amp is not connected, you should see all the controls in the editor page.
      Maybe you configuration has been messed up.
      You can try and reset it by removing the “GrandMeister Remote” folder in your AppData/Roaming directory.


  14. Hi,
    i have a problem with the app, i connected my um-one mk2, like everybody says in this forum, this works, but when in the amp mode, if a choose a preset , for example 6-D on my computer it take a long time before it switch on the amp/fsm432 mk3, and most of the time it wont, and it will go to a random preset, or stay stuck between two. And in another case a can choose a empty preset, starting working on it and then suddenly it switch to preset 1-A.
    I use win10 and all the driver are up to date
    GrandMeister 40

  15. Hi, a few months later and I’m still as confused as I was in March, can’t seem to get the software to work at all, I’m using a Windows 10 computer (I tried two of them) with up-to-date drivers and a Roland UM-ONE-MkII, I feel like I’m stupid and missed something obvious
    1- Do I need to download the Ctrlr software ? I already tried doing so and it didn’t help but I may have done it in the wrong order somehow, but even then, I assumed this panel was bundled with the software and didn’t need any additional download
    2- How is the software supposed to detect my amp if, when opening the panel, there is no option to select my MIDI device unless I create a new panel ? All I get after opening the GM Remote software a grey empty window with a toolbar at the top
    3- The MIDI interface offers two options : COMP mode or TAB mode, does it matter which one I chose ?

    Thanks a lot for your help

    • Hi Althos,

      Did you try what I suggested as a reply of your first post ?
      You DON’T need to download Ctrlr.
      Out of the box the exe file you downloaded should launch and show a window looking like the screenshot you have at the top of this page.
      If it doesn’t, you should try and open it on a different computer.



  16. Can someone tell me about the switch “library – amp”. what is it for?

    Btw someone asked that he gets a grey empty window by starting the software. i had it too when i tried to start it from windows desktop. but somehow if i start the software from any other location in harddisc but not from desktop, its working…

  17. Hi, I have set my Grandmeister 36 up through an M-Audio Midisport & it does communicate with the software, but it glitches! It sort of clicks the amp randomly & the sound is just completely
    broken up low-fi?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, Adrian.

  18. Ady777, I had the same problem. After updating every driver and trying everything I could find it just started working after changing USB ports. In any case after about 6 months of working fine it went back to doing what you have described again so I’m at a loss. Maybe the Midisport has failed for both of us ? Hope someone has an answer.

  19. Hi, I have a Grandmeister 36 connected to a Mio4. I’m using a PC (Windows 10). Everytime I try to change a channel on the +/- a callback erros appears – presetStepChannel, or if I try to change it on the menu another callback error message appears: setPresetCombo.

    Any idea how to solve this issue?

    Thank you

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