RackAttack panel 1.4

An editor for the Waldorf RackAttack percussion synthesizer :

This is a panel with “all-in-one” view for this drum module

All sound  , global and program parameters are integrated  but not pattern parameters.

This panel can :

-receive global
-receive entire programs(program,24 sounds and 4 fx) from edit buffer
-receive entire programs(program,24 sounds and 4 fx) from memory
-send entire programs(program,24 sounds and 4 fx) to edit buffer
-be automated in the vst host: 0 to 1967 sound params,1968 to 2013 fx params
-record automation directly with the device
-Restricted instances(rev1655 based)
-tempo’s rebuilded
-fx’s rebuided (there was crashs in ctrlr when dumping program from device) sorry for that
-Frequency of oscillators
-default values when double clicking (Ini Program 1.1)
-parameter values&names not showed in the lcd labels anymore and replaced by popups when dragging knobs.
-Added CC messages for the main mixer in Native Mode , the midi channel is set by Global Channel (Omni = ch1 and 1 to 16 in respective channels ).
– vst indexes are verified , normally there is no “undefined xxx” between others params in the host

Standalone  : Set midi in and out of Ctrlr to the out/in of device
Vst : Set midi in and out of Ctrlr to the out/in device + Midi Thru/”Plugin Host -> Output Device”
Important : Don’t set ANYTHING in the host and keep your midi in/out ports EXCLUSIVELY for Ctrlr and Rackattack
Please set the SYSEX ID of the RackAttack to 0.


1,170 1,087 944 927 Hosted  & automated

9 thoughts on “RackAttack panel 1.4”

    • there is 3072+240 params to add or 152 params and a lot of scripts with things i’am not masterize at all ,so this breakes me a little.I have even thought to build 16 patterns per sound but if i use dumps to initialize the Rackattack with a new pattern normally the sound is cut during the dump……I will check if a single pattern dump cut the sound. If not it could be great….. I do a new panel with “mode” and “group” integrated and i ‘ve the space to do the pattern editor.

  1. Great to see someone trying to work out the beloved Rack Attack. Do you have any comment that could clarify it’s sysex ? I want to add some sysex strings to my doepfer regelwerk however is’t been very very hard for the rack attacK !

    • I’ve been checking the midi out monitor on your panel, the last 2 data before F7 change, my problem on doepfer is only only one parameter can be changed. Is there a way to avoid the checksum data ?

  2. I can’t seem to connect the VST to my DAW (Bitwig) which is in turn connected to my MIDI interface. I can’t connect diectly to the MIDI interface either with the VST as BitWig takes ownership of the ports. Any advice on getting the to map in and out MIDI to the DAW? Conversely, if I run the standalone (x64), I can connect to the MIDI interface and eveything seems to work, so the issue I have is just with the VST and getting it to connect through the DAW mapping of the MIDI interface. Any advice is welcome.

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