Yamaha TX7 (beta)


On January 21, 2016 I have published a new version of this panel (and also another one compatible with a DX7), so you better download that one!

I will keep the Yamaha TX7 (beta) panel available for a while, until the new version works as expected. But then I will delete it.


This is a beta release of a patch editor for the Yamaha TX7 sound module, the companion of the Yamaha DX7.

Basically all parameters of a preset are present in this editor, but there are still a few midi capabilities of this device left that need to be implemented. A few remarks ( and probably I will forget some) on why this is a beta release still:

  • Saving of a preset not (yet) possible. I’m afraid presets need to be stored in (and loaded from) a separate file on the computer. Have to figure out how to do this in Lua (with somebodies help?);
  • When clicking for the second time on the “get perf.” button (with the same voice present) the values of the wheel -, foot -, aftertouch – and breath sensitivity change again, probably back to some default value. I don’t know why this happens;
  • Still unclear to me how to get the right on/off setting of the modulation section (wheel – , foot – , aftertouch – and breath control buttons) when they receive their assigned parameter value;
  • The layout of the panel needs some more work.

So please use this panel freely and send me your comments or Lua-scripts so I (or we…) can improve this panel!

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29 thoughts on “Yamaha TX7 (beta)”

  1. Today (9 may 2013 20:00 hrs) I have uploaded an update for the panel. This fixes the misbehavior of the envelope generators. Also the “names” of the rate and level modulators conform now to the manual.

  2. Today (May 20) I uploaded the latest update for this panel (v0.92 beta). Wrong settings for some modulators were corrected and I added a new block: function parameter change. These functions can sometimes be useful.

  3. Today (May 22) I have uploaded the latest version of this panel (v0.93). Just a small change in the patch and performance buttons. Also changed the Lua script for processing the patch and performance data.

    • Glad to here it works and you enjoy it! How about the behaviour of the modulation section (wheel, foot, aftertouch and breath control)? Find any problems?

      • Hi there, sorry for the late reply only just noticed your question. I don;t have any means to use this aspect of the synth, so avoid any problems (or benefits !)
        Really is a great editor though. Thanks for all you hard work

  4. Hi Erotematic, well done on the interface! I’m currently in the process of trying to better understand sysex in order to (eventually) program my DX7. I had a look at some of your SysEx formulas and comparing them with the TX7 manual and I can’t figure out why the 5th value is never what I expect. For example ‘OP6 freq. Coarse’ in your interface is F0 43 10 00 12 xx F7 but when looking at the manual (page 38) the ‘OP6 freq. Coarse’ has number 18, not 12; and the same for the other parameters. Am I missing something?
    Thanks in advance and sorry for my little knowledge about this.

    • Hi Mogazi,
      Thanks for the compliment! You should know that the sysex messages are in hex notation, while the parameter numbers in the manual are in decimal notation: 18 (dec) = 12 (hex).

  5. This is awesome, erotematic. Have 2 TX7s and it’s awesome to be able to breathe some new life into them with your panel. So far it’s worked flawlessly for me – just getting started with it. Thanks!

    • AFAIK the TX816 is (just) a bunch of DX7’s and because the TX7 is designed to work with the DX7 my panel will probably indeed “affect” the TX816. But (as always) the user manual (and then specifically the sysex messages) will tell you which part can be used with this TX7 panel. Maybe you can compare the two manuals.

  6. Hi,

    I have previously worked with jSynthLib. When I discovered Ctrlr I moved over to it but I also made some scripts to export existing synth panels in JSL to Ctrlr.

    The DX7 support in JSL is/was very good so I have extracted the loading/saving of patches and banks from it and have ported it to a temporary Ctrlr panel today.

    I was wondering if you (erotematic) would be interested in working together on adding this functionality to your existing panel.

    • Hi pascalc,
      I love to co-operate. If we could succeed in saving patches to and loading from a computer file into the panel that would greatly enhance the usability of the panel. But I need to remind you that I haven’t worked for 2 years with CTRLR, so my knowledge is a bit rusty ;-), but hopefully it all will come back! BTW my operating system is Mac OSX 10.9.5

  7. Hi all,
    I am very happy with the TX7 editor, it works very well!
    I was only wondering if there is already any way to save the patches? Maybe I am overseeing something but saving it directly to the TX7 does not seems to work either.
    Anyway thanks for the great work!

    • Hi steven1,Together with forum member pascalc I’m working hard at the moment on making it possible to save/load banks and patches to/from a file an to/from the synthesizer. Many things already work, but we still need time to fine tune things! Have patience ;-)!

  8. im hereby confirming that this works with my dx7. well done! you might think about displaying the frequency ratios instead of parameters values … it gives you a better idea of the harmonics involved.

  9. Nice One!

    I have not tried it out yet, as I use TX-802 only which are okay provided editorwise by the “DxHeaven.PRG” on the ATARI ST STEEM emulator, lack a few minor but vital TX802/DX7II edition features though (fractual scaling, controller assignments and settings). Appart from that: VERY FUNCTIONAL considering it was programmed in 1986!

    I know there is a TX-802 Panel project around, but sadly it seems to be stuck in a very rough state of devlopment for some time now.

    Both STEEM and DxHeaven are now freely available (public domain, I suppose).

    I imagine there is indeed a demand for a VSTable DX7 (Mark I) editor though, I for one could use it very well ! ! !

    But while you’re at it: Could you not build in a full TX-802 / DX 7 II support, say, a switchable ‘TX-802-Mode’ ? At least to facilitate the sound editing (as opposed to the multi timbral editing, which in my view can be done on the machines display easily enough).
    Especially the key follow curves with their ‘exponential factors’ are not displayed graphically in the DxHeaven. This still leaves the actual curve to the imagination. Still a bit of a drawback there.
    By the way: The DxHeaven DOES even provide a ‘TX-Mode’ which is probably to say a TX-7 Mode (surely not a TX-802 Mode as the TX-802 model was not even released then).

    If you intercept the sysex messages sent by DxHeaven -for instance by MidiOx- maybe this helps you with yout Midi-Implementation?

    KR, Philipp

    • Gutentag Philipp,
      Sorry for the late reply, but when first reading your message I did not immediately understand what you were writing and asking. But recently I did reread your post and now I know you are talking about Atari MIDI programs running in emulation mode on a PC. (In the past I have used extensively Atari computers an I loved them!) To answer your question about a build-in switch for a TX-802, I would love to do that, but at the moment we are even struggling with the differences between a TX7 and a DX7 and because of that we have decided to make two different panels, so rejecting the idea of a build-in switch for (in this case) TX7-DX7. If you can send me the MIDI implementation of a TX-802 I will look into it, but no promises and for sure you should have patience. This panel developing stuff is enormous time consuming, especially when one is not an experienced (Lua) programmer!


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