15 Tips for Increasing Your Attention Span

Everyone has faced that situation where they want to sit down and get their task done, but keep getting distracted. This is especially true these days, with easy access to a world of distractions on your smartphone. You probably find yourself scrolling through your social media when you need to get some work done, prolonging the task for no reason. This is a sign of a short attention span that could hamper your productivity. If you get your tasks done without getting distracted, you can have a lot more free time to surf the internet or watch your favorite shows on your Cox customer service.

So, you should aim to improve your attention span as much as possible. This will help you be productive, and will also free up your day. You won’t find yourself procrastinating over normal tasks and wasting your whole day with basically no results. While you can’t force yourself to pay attention, there are many ways you can steadily improve your attention span. Here are a few of these to get you started. 

Eliminate Distractions

First of all, you need to eliminate the distractions in your life. So, when you get down to a task, mute your device notifications, or better yet, just put your phone away from you. This will prevent you from compulsively scrolling through it every few minutes and getting distracted. Also, sit in a calm and peaceful environment to really eliminate distractions. 

Stay Hydrated

Drink water to keep your mind refreshed. If you’re low on hydration, you cannot focus properly and will also want to get up to drink water more often. Ideally, you should keep a filled thermos or bottle next to you, and sip from it periodically. This way, you won’t have to get up, and will still be hydrated. 


When you work out, you help both your body and mind feel refreshed. You feel more energized and motivated in your day-to-day activities, and do them more actively. In addition, various exercises make you focus on how you’re moving, so your attention span also gets a workout. 

Don’t Multitask

While multitasking may seem like a great idea, it is not really healthy. You just end up with multiple incomplete tasks, rather than one complete and properly done task. So, just focus on one thing at a time, and you’ll see how your productivity improves. In addition, your quality of work will also improve considerably. 

Listen Actively

You need to practice active listening to really understand your tasks either that related to Tech&IT blog. You probably find yourself having to read or listen to task instructions again and again. Instead, you should listen properly the first time around and take in what is being asked of you. With active listening, your work quality and productivity will increase. 

Take Breaks

You should take breaks between tasks so that you don’t feel unfocused and distracted. If you force yourself to sit at a task for too long, then you’ll probably be bored and unmotivated. Instead, follow the Pomodoro method, and take short breaks between various stretches of unbroken productivity. 

Solve Puzzles

Like every part of your body, your brain needs some exercise as well. You can’t expect to be totally focused and productive if your mind isn’t really used to cognitive tasks. Therefore, you should do some exercises like crossword puzzles, patterns, math games, and other such activities. These will help you keep your brain active. 


Of course, you can’t overwork your mind either. In this day and age, there are so many distractions around, that your brain is probably not used to focusing on just one thing. Meditate regularly to improve this focus, and to relax your mind. This will clear your head, and help you improve your attention span by eliminating the noise. 

Minimize Screen Time

Constantly staring at a screen can be quite taxing on your mind. In addition, you probably have access to multiple devices and respond to their notifications. This means you’re constantly switching your attention between different screens. Limit your screen time, and keep all devices out of the bedroom when you want to sleep. This will help relax your mind and make it more amenable to an increased attention span. 

Take Notes

Whenever you have a task, make sure you take notes so that you know exactly what you’re doing. In addition, you should keep taking notes as you’re working. This will help you keep track of your tasks and also give you something to refer to quickly. 

To sum up, it’s not that difficult to increase your attention span. You just need to follow a few simple tips to get things done more productively. 

6 Ways AI Can be Used to Create Online Videos

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Artificial intelligence is one of the most impactful developments of this era.  It is now part of most industries to some extent. This is because AI simplifies numerous processes and cuts down human effort extensively. Whether it’s making your recommended watch list on services like Call Spectrum or targeting ads to relevant customers, AI saves a lot of time. It cuts out extra calculations and efforts and gives you ready-made solutions instantly. Therefore, it is one of the most widely applicable technologies of current times. 

However, things are still up in the air about the use of AI in creative processes. Computers use AI and machine learning to come up with algorithms, but can they replicate the human touch? Recently, there has been considerable progress in this regard, especially when it comes to video creation. While an AI-written article may seem particularly off-kilter, videos are a much more understandable medium for these systems. Therefore, there are a number of tools out there that use AI to create and edit videos. These tools do this in a variety of ways, as given below. 

Clip Curation

Many videos are basically compilations of clips, especially videos that showcase listicles. It’s simple enough for AI to compile these videos, based on rankings, viewership, and other such metrics. This is especially applicable with music chart videos, as the algorithm can simply determine which music videos have been the most popular and compile them accordingly. 

This clip curation can easily be automated, especially for social media feeds. Therefore, it is a good idea to delegate such tasks to AI algorithms. 

Video Editing

Editing a video can be quite time-consuming, and you have to watch out for a lot of technicalities. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just upload a video and your software would just fix its issues automatically? This is true to some extent with a few AI video editing tools out there. 

These tools deal with major issues like sound distortions, shaky cameras, and other such concerns. Often, these tools will fix these issues or simply alert you to their presence. This makes your life much easier, as you won’t have to thoroughly comb through every frame to get things right. 

Video Sharing

Previously, you would have to painstakingly go through every frame of a video in a detailed way with the relevant stakeholders. This involved a lot of written and verbal communication, which can result in confusion and human error. 

Screen sharing makes this process much easier, as all of you can view the same thing in real-time and discuss it, even without being physically present. AI technology makes this sharing easier, as many screen-sharing tools employ AI tools for such purposes. 

Personalized 1:1 Videos

In marketing, personalization can really help you capture a strong and loyal customer base. Of course, you can’t create an individual 1:1 video for every client. However, AI can help you achieve this, by just changing the few details which can make the video personal. This includes client names and locations so that they feel like your company cares about them in particular. 

This sort of marketing personalization is only possible on a mass scale with AI solutions, especially when it comes to effort-heavy mediums like videos. 

Drag-and-Drop Editing

With the rise of influencers and content creators in the world, not everyone is a video editing maven. However, millions of people do want decently edited videos out there. AI solutions have made drag-and-drop editing tools possible. 

They allow you to trim and compress videos without needing extensive technical knowledge of more expensive tools. Instead, you can simply drag and drop what you want and even change the filters and backgrounds according to your preferences. The best part is, these tools are quite easy and inexpensive to use, so they’re good for even rookies. 

Automated Video Creation

AI can be a key part of video creation strategies. This holds true for both individuals and companies, as it makes the process much shorter and more flexible. Using AI tools, you can edit videos according to your requirements, without needing extensive technical expertise. 

In addition, you can simply run a few AI algorithms for your video marketing strategy, and schedule your content in a personalized and targeted way. All of these conveniences greatly automate video creation, and are quite helpful. 

In conclusion, AI has numerous applications in online video creation. You just need to make sure you have the right audiences in mind, and the right tools for the job.
