OB-6 editor

Editor for OB-6

Supports all parameters except the sequencer. Can only send/receive/save single patches. Can load sysex files with multiple patches.

In the Globals section on the device, set “Param Xmit” and “Param Rcv” to “nr” (NRPN), set “MIDI SysEx” and “MIDI Out” to match your input in Ctrlr.

Tested with OS 1.5.8 and Ctrlr 5.4.16, 5.4.29.

Consider it beta-quality. Provided as-is. Feel free to improve it.

Download Downloads: 1,584


This panel can now be downloaded without writing me an email. I got tired answering all these emails.

Please read this text, otherwise you WON’T KNOW WHAT YOU WILL GET:

Some general information:
Keep in mind that this panel is still in beta state. Beta means that the software is not fully tested and there may be bugs which have not been discovered yet. Therefore, everybody who is using this panel is a beta-tester not an end-user. Don’t get me wrong. Bug-reports and suggestions of any kind are very welcome, but I won’t accept blaming me of having problems with your synth (e.g. losing data) as a result of using this panel. This is a risk you are taking on your own when you are using it.

Matrix-6 specific information:
The Matrix-6 panel has been developed for firmware v2.14 and above from Bob Grieb: http://www.tauntek.com/Matrix6Firmware.htm. It won’t work correctly when using firmware versions prior to v2.14. Notably the fixed modulations won’t work as expected. In order to get the fixed modulation working with Bob Grieb’s firmware set the “Sysex”-setting on the Matrix-6 to value “2” when using this panel. I don’t have a Matrix-6 but I’ve got many reports about the firmware and I can tell you that Bob’s firmwares (newest is v2.15) really are worth the hassle to open the Matrix’s case and replace this socketed eprom.

Important: It is not possible to send sysex-dumps to the M6’s edit buffer. This makes things a bit complicated: the panel will always OVERWRITE the actual patch location on the synth when loading a patch from the librarian and in many other cases such as using the randomizer or editing the mod-matrix. That’s why you have to save your patches if you don’t want to lose some of them. Before you try the panel better do this with a sysex tool. There are reliable freeware tools to do this. If you need help saving your patches let me know. My beta tester used patch 99 as edit buffer. The panel won’t change it when loading patches from the library so it will always stay on patch 99.

Another important thing: There is no way for the panel to know which patch nr. is set on the Matrix-6. So in order to get the same patch on the panel as on the synth you first have to use the “Patch Select” button of the panel to select a patch. Otherwise the panel will overwrite the wrong patch and you won’t hear the changes made by e.g. the randomizer or the modulation matrix.

Some time ago I made a tutorial for my SuperJX-panel. All my panels are more or less designed the same way so it may be useful to you.

The following paragraphs are somewhat applicable to all my editors. The buttons are just not at the same places as on the screenshots:

  • Setting up the Ctrlr panel
  • the VST-Plugin
  • Saving and loading Patches (partially)


A remark for Mac users: It seems that the AU-plugin does not work very well with Logic whereas with Ableton Live 9 it seems to work quite well . It really depends on your DAW how well the plugin performs.

You can download the panel here:

One last hint: Morpheus’ hands with the red and the blue pill are buttons, kinda easter eggs…

For questions and suggestions write me an email: roet32″at”gmail.com

m6_1 m6_2 m6_3 m6_4


Editor / Librarian for the Oberheim Matrix-1000

It should work on any Matrix-1000 but I strongly recommend you to upgrade to firmware v1.20 from Bob Grieb or v1.16 from GliGli. I am using v1.20 which is an awesome upgrade for the Matrix1000.

You don’t have to ask for this panel anymore – I just ask you to read read this text carefully before you go to the download site.

The Matrix-1000 panel has not been reported to be problematic, but nevertheless keep in mind that this panel is still in beta state. Beta means that the software is not fully tested and there may be bugs which have not been discovered yet. Therefore, everybody who is using this panel is a beta-tester not an end-user. Don’t get me wrong. Bug-reports and suggestions of any kind are very welcome, but I won’t accept blaming me of having problems with your synth (e.g. losing data) as a result of using this panel. This is a risk you are taking on your own when you are using it.

I recommend saving your patches before using this panel. This can be done with a sysex tool. There are reliable freeware tools to do this. If you need help saving your patches let me know.

This Matrix-1000 panel has been developed for firmware v1.20 from Bob Grieb.

People reported that it works ok with v1.16 from GliGli too. Other firmware versions haven’t been tested. v1.11 was the last official firmware from Oberheim. It contains some bugs but apart from that it should work as well. Be aware that with firmware v1.03 you may run into problems. Either do the needed hardware modification and upgrade to a higher firmware or maybe forget about using editors/librarians (look at Bob Grieb’s page, scroll down to the bottom).

The Matrix-1000 is almost identical to the Matrix-6. You can load Matrix-6 patches and banks into the Matrix-1000 and vice versa. BUT the Matrix-1000 cannot save patch names. Therefore, when you load a patch or a bank from the Matrix-1000 into the panel it won’t show a name. When you save banks or single patches to disk the names will be preserved.

Some time ago I made a tutorial for my old SuperJX-panel. All my panels are more or less designed the same way so it may be useful to you:

Here is another tutorial about integrating the Ctrlr plugin into a DAW: http://roet32.wixsite.com/ctrlr/tutorials

One user had problems sending banks to the synth. This was due to the 10ms delay between patch sysex messages being too short for his setup. He successfully tested a version with a 100ms delay. On the actual version the delay is now customizable. Look at the Master/Prefs tab.

You can download it here: http://roet32.wixsite.com/ctrlr/oberheim-matrix-1000

If you have some Ctrlr / Matrix related questions, suggestions or concerns: roet32(at)gmail.com.
One last hint: Morpheus’ hands with the red and the blue pill are buttons, kinda easter eggs…

A few screenshots showing the panel:




If you think your Matrix1000 is reacting erratic try the following:

1. Sytem Reset: hold the “Enter” button while switching on. It will show the firmware version. Wait until device starts up. Patch 00 of Bank 0 will be initialized to an init patch.

2. Calibration Procedure: Select “Ext Funct”, push button 7, push Enter, push Enter again. Display will show “CAL”. Wait until device reverts to Patch mode.

3. If you are using firmware v1.16 or v1.20 maybe GliGli-Detune is set by accident. Set it by using CC 94, or use my Ctrlr panel. GliGli-Detune is not saved with the patch parameters.

4. If you are using an old Oberheim firmware (e.g. v1.11) you will face a load of bugs. Upgrade to a bugfixed/enhanced firmware. If you live in europe you can get a ROM chip programmed with v1.20 from Untergeek. Within the USA you can get it directly from Bob Grieb: Tauntek Website.

5. Master Parameters may not be set correctly. Use my panel to set it to your preferences.

6. If this did not help you may have a hardware prob. Common issue: memory backup battery’s life has ended. Replace it with a new one. For this you will have to desolder the old battery.

7. If this still does not help you may have a faulty CEM3396. The “small body” CEM3396’s used in the Matrix1000 are getting rare. The “wide body’s” used in the Matrix6 are still available for about 6$. There are ways fitting a “wide body” into a Matrix1000 (i mean without using a sledgehammer).


The Patch parameters are not explained in the Matrix1000 manual but they are identical to the Matrix6. The Master parameters are different though, and the Matrix1000 has no Split-mode. I OCR’ed the Matrix1000 and Matrix6r pdf-manuals to enable full text search:

If you don’t know how to use Ctrlr my tutorial for the SuperJX panel may help you:Download
