OB-6 editor

Editor for OB-6

Supports all parameters except the sequencer. Can only send/receive/save single patches. Can load sysex files with multiple patches.

In the Globals section on the device, set “Param Xmit” and “Param Rcv” to “nr” (NRPN), set “MIDI SysEx” and “MIDI Out” to match your input in Ctrlr.

Tested with OS 1.5.8 and Ctrlr 5.4.16, 5.4.29.

Consider it beta-quality. Provided as-is. Feel free to improve it.

Download Downloads: 1,584

Prophet 6 editor

NRPN-based editor for Prophet 6

Supports all parameters except the sequencer. Can only send/receive/save single patches. Can load sysex files with multiple patches.

In the Globals section on the device, set “Param Xmit” and “Param Rcv” to “nr” (NRPN), set “MIDI SysEx” and “MIDI Out” to match your input in Ctrlr.

Tested with OS 1.3.1 and Ctrlr 5.4.16, 5.4.29.

Consider it beta-quality. Provided as-is. Feel free to improve it. See http://ctrlr.org/ob-6-editor/ for the OB-6 version of the panel.

Download Downloads: 2,195


  • v1.9: 2017-03-18 Added sample chord memories and ability to search in library (factory + loaded patch names)
  • v1.8: 2017-02-10 Fixed OB-6 mode not beeing triggered. Misc. library/browser improvements.
  • v1.7: 2016-01-29 Fixed vst index, added disk browser, added “support” for loading OB-6 sysex with “LOAD OB” (some patches need filter tweaking after loading, others will sound just fine).
  • v1.5: 2016-12-30 Make it compatible with more versions of Ctrlr. Fixes method disabled for (un)packDsiData.
  • v1.4: 2016-12-23  Added support for loading sysex files with multiple programs and a minimal program browser.
  • v1.3: Initial version

DSI Pro 2 editor and librarian

Editor and librarian for the DSI Pro 2 synth

v1.4 2018-01-01


  • Pro2 interface with similar look as actual synthesizer
  • Parameters grouped in different tabs
  • Information about the meaning of each parameter (extract from the manual), its current value and its saved value of the loaded program by simple click and without modifying the value
  • Bi-directional behavior: modifying a parameter on the panel modifies it on the synth; modifying a parameter on the synth switches automatically (optional) to the corresponding tab and displays on the computer the parameter information, the current value and the saved value
  • Visual feedback by using “LED” ring buttons and secondary screens
  • Envelopes graphs handled by mouse or classical DADSR rotary buttons
  • All parameters and wave shapes display (no PW) for the four oscillators at once
  • Oscillators On/Off buttons
  • All parameters and routing display for the two filters at once
  • Filter 2 N/BP switch replaced by rotary button
  • Delays On/Off buttons
  • Load / Save programs from banks and from individual .syx files
  • Easy program renaming
  • Bank management: 2 Disk, 4 Factory and 4 User banks
  • Progress bar when receiving/sending bank
  • Program management
  • Programs info (listing/exporting current values, saved values, current and saved values,
    differences only, full comparison of two programs, differences between two programs)
  • Program compare (saved versus current values)
  • Load and edition of Pro2 Global parameters
  • Different extra switches: Bank AutoSave, Proceed confirmation for program actions, Tab switch…
  • Program and Global parameters adapted according to Pro2 OS
  • Pro2 sysex implementation documentation
  • v1.4 Check connection to Pro2 with Device Inquiry (Pro2 OS 1.3)
  • v1.4 Envelopes DADSR values displayed
  • v1.4 Inverted envelopes when Env. Amount is negative
  • v1.4 Enable/Disable LFO Frequency based on LFO Sync
  • v1.4 Added Key Assign and Pitch Wheel ranges
  • v1.4 Programs info showing Modulation sources and destinations
  • v1.4 Better user interaction when loading Basic Program
  • v1.4 Some minor corrections in the display of help text and values.

Download from the Sunny Synths’ drive or website www.sunnysynths.com

The download file is a compressed file including the panel, a manual / instructions on how to install Ctrlr, this panel and how to use it. It also contains the four factory banks and a few single programs as sysex files. Please read and follow the instructions in the manual 🙂


  • 2018-01-01: v1.4 Envelopes DADSR values displayed. Inverted envelopes when Env. Amount is negative. Added Key Assign and Pitch Wheel ranges. Some corrections. Manual updated.
  • 2017-03-20: v1.00 First non beta version. Compare button added. Programs info tab added. Manual updated.
  • 2016-09-19: v0.27 Adaptation of some Lua code that was not working for MAC. PC users do not need to download this version.
  • 2016-09-01: v0.26 Corrections based on users feedback. Glide Mode added.
  • 2016-08-29: v0.25 First public beta version.

Thanks for downloading and for posting your comments on this page or on the forums!

POWER’08 V.3 – Editor for DSI Prophet’08

Editor for DSI Prophet’08. Use sysex. Created to ease sound designing and get the most power of your Prophet’08 :

– All functions implemented (included sequencer)

– Always see both layer A + B

– Receive/Write patches and banks from/to Prophet’08

– Load/Save patches and banks from/to disk (.syx file)


New in V.2 :

– GUI improvement (more compact interface)

– Disk and Synth Patch browser added for easiest patch navigation (double click patch to load ; receive patch from P8 only if you need it)

– Global parameters improvement (data dump added with “get” button)

– Lot of bugs fixed (big code rewritting)

– LFOs handling improvement (link between unsynced and synced freq modulators)


New in V.3 :

– Full bidirectionnal panel ;

– Graphs for Amp and Env3 ;

– Reset or copy layers.




Download 665.2 KB – POWER08 V.3


By downloading this file you agree with the following terms and conditions : All rights on the software are reserved to the copyright holders and are subject to change anytime without prior notice. The software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software is with you. Should the software prove defective you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright holder be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidential or consequential damage arising out the use or inability to use the software (included but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties. or a failure of the software to operate with any other programs. Swiss law and Swiss courts juridiction (civil court of Lausanne, Switzerland) are applicable to any dispute and trial concerning the software.


DSI Mopho

This is the version 1.13 for MOPHO

It just means it’s the old panel saved in the latest nightly of Ctrlr. Still no program dumps but i never got around to doing this. Maybe if you keep pushing i’ll do it (it’s really simple now).

Download Size: 85.2 KB Downloads: 2,591
BETA: Download Size: 102.3 KB Downloads: 1,304
