Yamaha TX81Z

This is the Yamaha TX81Z panel, with graphics by Lime.

It can edit all parameters available in TX81Z (except Reverb Amount, can’t find what sysex it uses in the MIDI specs). This is a bugfix
release that should work with the latest Ctrlr binary (some SysEx tokens were changed from “XX” to “xx” yes SysEx tokens are case sensitive)

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39 thoughts on “Yamaha TX81Z”

    • Atom! If you are still around, what would it take to get this panel to load the settings from the currently selected preset on the TX, like the DW 8000 panel does.Thanks!

  1. Hi atom
    I can’t seem to get this working with my TX81-Z
    I’m running OSX 10.9.1
    Do i need to change anything on the Yamaha itself?
    hope you can help me… the editor looks sweet!

  2. I can’t seem to get mine working.
    What setting you got on the unit ?
    I can send midi noted to the unit from the panel but i cannot control any of the parameters or receive programs

  3. Hi Guys, I am using Ableton Live 9, I can’t make it work with this editor. I set the midi channel to 7, controller… I tried in stand alone too. I can use the TX with the max for live one that is just able to change the preset but not that one. Is any one able to get it work with Ableton 9 + win 64 ?

    • I’m having the same problem. did u figure it out by now? I can send midi notes from ableton and play a sound. Configured the same channel for the ctrlr AU Plugin, but no luck. With the m4L plugin I can change presets only as well… a tutorial would be nice!

  4. looks great, any tips on getting i to work. cant get anything to happen. my midi interface i/o are engaged, channels are 1, the tx81z channel is 1, moving knobs, nothing is happening when i use the panel. sound stays the same. i’ve engaged and disengaged write protect, nothing. the vst plugin doesnt work in reaper. windows 7 64. this is driving me crazy because ctrlr looks so promising. what are you using it with to make it work because it just does not work for me at all.

    • Great interface, does not work with ableton 9, tried everything. It sends midi and receives midi but the setting on the synth do not change at all. It accepts note on/off messages but nothing else. I have a standalone app that acts as a controller, using the same midi settings as in the daw it will work and change parameters.

  5. Looks great and promising. There seem to be some people who got it working. Unfortunately I did not succeed until now. Using Mountain Lion I tried the vst in Reaper and the standalone option. Both did not work.

    Connected the Input in ctrlr to out of tx81z and the ctrlr output to input tx81z.
    Midichannel is on 1 (on both tx and ctrlr)

    What am I doing wrong.

  6. Hi, should this work also for the Yamaha TQ5?

    Other editors for TX81Z worked just fine, but on CTRL I can control de synth (send notes) but it will never respond to the panel knobs… any idea?

  7. Hello, could someone please post just basic steps how to get this editor working in Ableton Live 9.x?
    Appears to be a powerful and great looking editor, it’s a shame there are no easy to find basic instructions! Any help would be much appreciated

  8. this does work really well in live 9…
    however to get it working, you must also set up another external midi instrument track, set to the same midi channels. this gives you an audio input (which the panelz controllor alone does not provide). there may be other ways but this worked well for me.

    • Hi Nezzen, please, can you explain me how to get this work? bellow i explained what i am doing… i hope im missing something! perhaps some SETTINGS in the Yamaha? thanks!

  9. Hello, sorry to bring this up again… I am having problems with the panel for my just purchased Yamaha TX81z.
    This is what i’ve done so far:
    First of all i connected MIDI OUT from Motu ultralite mk3 to Yamaha MIDI IN, and MIDI OUT from Yamaha to Motu MIDI IN.
    1.Turned on Yamaha
    2. Opened Ableton 9.12
    3. I put OFF all the midi inputs and outputs on MIDI Options in Ableton (except for my controller ICON i left ON Track and Remote.
    4. Added CTRL Plugin and opened Yamaha tx81z Panel.
    5. inside CTRL MIDI OUT: Motu, MIDI THRU: plugin host -> Output Device, CONTROLLER DEVICE: Icon.
    6. At this point i can play on the keyboard and receive sound from the yamaha (because i have Direct Monitors ON in the Motu interface)
    7. HERE IS THE PROBLEM: When i turn any knob in the Panel nothing happens in the Yamaha… no matter which knob i turn it seems yamaha doesnt receive this movements. And every time i change a program in the Yamaha nothing happens in the CTRL Panel, it’s like they dont see each other when it’s about sysex messages.

    PLEASE HELP, i bought this yamaha just because of this CTRL Panel πŸ™‚

    • there is a channel bit in the tx81z sysex, (MIDI channel coming from the ctrlr panel is fixed static) so try going through all the channels (or set to omni) on the unit.

  10. Working well both stand alone and inside Ableton. Any possibilty to put the waveform on a knob/poti to make it mapping compatible inside Ableton. Thanks a lot for this helpful tool!

  11. Hello! I have no luck getting the vst working as well. same problems as the other users around here. I can send notes from ableton and get sound, but I cant control anything, although I get the midi lamp blinking on my soundcard when turning knobs. Just nothing happening. Channels are set to omni on the tx, Would be nice to get some kind of tutorial? πŸ™‚

  12. Works Great! Both as standalone and as an AudioUnit in Logic 9. Editing via the front panel is pretty tedious, so this program really makes creating patches fun and fast. It seems like some commenters had trouble getting the Yamaha and CTRLR to talk to each other. As far as settings on the Yamaha: In UTILITY menu on the front panel, there is a MIDI section. I changed MIDI receive to channel 1. Also in the MIDI section, you must switch receive Sysex = yes.

    • Not working here either. Logic/Ableton can send MIDI to the TX81Z with no problems and other CTRLR panels for my other instruments (i.e. – Waldorf Microwave) work great, but my TX isn’t seeing any MIDI from this panel (Mac OS 10.14.6). πŸ™

  13. What would it take to get this to sync with the TX when changing patches on the TX? For example, the DW 8000 panel has a “Load” button that will load the settings of the currently selected patch, if they didn’t come in automatically when changing patches.

  14. First, KUDOS to Atom for this impressive panel. The TX is one of those instruments with an architecture that was just crying out for a more logical visual display.

    I’ve been working with this (and the Juno-2) panel for a few weeks. I can control parameters on the TX just fine from the panel but what I can’t seem to do is automate them via the DAW. I did manage this with the Juno-2 panel, so is this just a problem with the TX in general? Is there any way to use either this panel and/or CC MIDI numbers to automate parameters on the TX? Or am I wasting my time trying?

    A few things I’ve read online (from several years ago) suggest that automation is not possible. Hoping that maybe some clever person has discovered a solution.

    • ***I should add: the only reason (I think) that I was able to make automation work on the Juno-2 was because the modulator list displayed MIDI CC numbers. The modulators list for the TX panel is empty. However, I did get a look at the XML and figured out which “VST indexes” were being used, but none of those appear to affect the TX.

    • ***One more observation: in Logic 10.2.3 (under OS X Catalina), I get fairly bad MIDI glitching/cutouts if the Ctrlr panel is switched on for a track (this is probably not Ctrlr and probably some weird conflict in my setup, I don’t know). Anyway, if I turn off the Ctrlr panel in the track, the glitching stops BUT I can still control the TX from the panel. Funny, ain’t it?

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