Access Virus TI

Midi Editor for Access Virus TI OS 5.0.8

A version of Access Virus Control for those who want a midi-only standalone or vst editor. No more sync problems, pops and clicks.

It works in Single and Sequencer Mode.




Virus TI Snow Ctrlr Panel_Browser· Librarian
Load and save individual patches in .syx format.
Load and save patches from/to soundbanks in .syx and .mid format.
Load ROM and RAM banks.
Create new soundbanks.
Copy and paste patches between soundbanks.




*Not compatible with patches from Virus A, B and C.


Virus TI Snow Ctrlr Panel_Browser· Section Locking.

Lock any section of the Virus sound engine. For instance, lock Oscillator 1 and Amplitude Envelope. When loading or receiving a new patch, the locked sections will not change. Do you like the effect settings of a patch, or the arpeggiator pattern? Lock them and test any patch with those settings. Forget about random generators.


· Automation of every parameter of the sound engine

In Access Virus Control there are some parameters that can’t be automated. With this panel it’s possible to automate every parameter.


· Compatible with Virus TI Desktop, Keyboard, Polar and Snow

· Virus Setup

· EDIT CONFIG → Receive MIDI Dump -> Receive Dump: Enabled

· EDIT CONFIG → Midi 3/3 -> Program Change: Enabled

· EDIT CONFIG → MIDI Control → Page A: Controller Data

· EDIT CONFIG → MIDI Control → Page B: SysEx

Set MIDI Device ID to the same value on the panel and on the Virus (Changing this value in the panel doesn’t change the value in the Virus, as there is not a sysex message to modify this parameter).

If you are using the VST version inside a DAW, and your MIDI interface drivers are not multi-client, you will need to disable these ports in the DAW and use them exclusively for Ctrlr.

· Using the Browser
[New in version 3.3]The first time a bank is selected in the browser the panel will request the patches of this bank from the Virus, creating an index for each bank, so the next time the same bank is selected there will be no patch dumps.

To request again a bank that has been indexed, click “Sync Banks” button and select the bank.

To copy a patch, select the patch and press Copy.
To paste a patch to an external bank, press Store and select the desired slot.
To store the edit buffer in an external bank, open a bank, press Store and select the desired slot.

· Download

Access Virus TI Desktop, Keyboard and Polar:
Panel version: 4.4.7
Date: February 11, 2016

Ctrlr revision Windows: 5.3.122.exe

Ctrlr revision Mac: 5.3.85.dmg
Download Size: 4.9 MB Downloads: 6,330


· News:

The new Snow panel is out!



3.3.1. Filter Envelope Release value was limited to 32 (fixed)

4.0. Fixed a bug with Sync Banks button.

4.0. New skin.

4.1 Corrected some bugs (Arp Mode and LFO1 Clock modulators not being sent after loading).

4.2 Fixed MIDI Device ID values causing sysex messages not being transmitted and received correctly on non Snow Virus panel.

4.2.1 Added automation to tab buttons. Fixed some occasional error messages.

4.2.2 Switching Part change midi input and output channels accordingly.

4.2.3 Output parameter now assigned to Multi Part output instead of Sequencer Part output, as Sequencer Part output only works with VC.

4.2.4 The panel now selects “Midi Thru” and “Plugin options” settings on startup.

4.3.0 Added dragging to Arpeggiator screen

4.3.1 Fixed a bug where patches loaded from external banks where sent always to Part 1.

4.3.2 Fixed mislabelled output values on the LCD. The panel now send and receive Program Change messages on the Top Browser.

4.3.3 (Only Virus TI) Fixed some bugs related to patch and bank management.

4.4 (Only Virus Ti) Many changes. Solved all issues when using exported instances of the panel. Fonts are now embedded in the panel.

4.4.1 (Only Virus Ti) Fixed a error message at panel opening.

4.4.1 (Only Virus Ti) Fixed Arp Loop Point bug.

4.4.2 (Only Virus Ti) Fixed bug related to arpeggiator data coming from a dump not showing up.

4.4.3 (Only Virus TI) Fixed bad location of Arp Mode byte.

4.4.4 (Only Virus TI) Fixed OSC1&2 WaveTable, AUX Envelopes, Tempo and ARP Step 27 wrong values after loading a patch.

4.4.5 (Only Virus TI) Fixed a bug with the Browser not initializing at panel opening. Fixed a bug with Part Single patch not being sent out at panel opening.

4.4.6 (Only Virus TI) Sync Banks button it’s now displayed.

4.4.7 (Only Virus TI) Fixed bug related to bank indexes not being stored on OSX. Auto send/receive parameter values are now saved.

Yamaha TX81Z

This is the Yamaha TX81Z panel, with graphics by Lime.

It can edit all parameters available in TX81Z (except Reverb Amount, can’t find what sysex it uses in the MIDI specs). This is a bugfix
release that should work with the latest Ctrlr binary (some SysEx tokens were changed from “XX” to “xx” yes SysEx tokens are case sensitive)

Download Size: 633.5 KB Downloads: 11,225

Moog Minitaur

Moog Minitaur panel

Created by Stoner at Moogasm

This panel has been designed to work with the Minitaur which is a compact and powerful analogue bass synthesizer created, produced and sold by Moog Music Inc. This panel will allow the user to have access to this powerful synthesizer as a VST/AU enabling the user access within programs such as Ableton Live and Logic Pro using full automation.

This panel is still in development and I look forward to any comments, suggestions and recommendations. The purpose of this project is to allow my son access to this device using full automation in the aforementioned programs.  I have been developing and testing as a standalone panel and am ready for some initial testing and feedback on the panel.

The controls on the first tab (Minitaur Editor) use a vertical drag to alter them and they show a bubble with the value.  The second tab (Under the Hood) uses a rotary drag to move the knobs.  This screen will also allow one to position the knob at the point where they click on the knob, eliminating some of the need to drag.  The third tab (Miscellaneous) uses a horizontal drag.  Both tabs 2 and 3 do not show the bubble when dragging. All three tabs allow the user to double click to set value back to Default as specified in the Minitaur manuals and documentation.

Please feel free to test and provide feedback on anything.  Currently, avoid using the Erase Firmware and Save Firmware functionality on the Miscellaneous tab.  Those setting may require physically putting the |Minitaur in a special mode, so avoid those at this time.  On that tab is the Set All Defaults button.  This button may be useful if settings go astray.

When using some of the settings it may be necessary to either Send Snapshot or Receive Snapshot depending on where the change was made.  Once Set All Defaults is performed one may want to hit the FW VERSION GET button and watch the firmware version on the screen get updated.  Also, the FW VERSION DISPLAY has your Minitaur show its display by flashing the Oscillator button LEDs.

The Refresh button on the Under the Hood tab will update you MIDI settings so one may also select and make changes from those LED style list boxes.  I also have not tested anything on the Hardware/Calibration page.  Use that at your own risk and really only if you know what you are doing.

All the Presets buttons work now.  The Save Local Preset function is identical to functionality on Moog’s Minitaur Editor, except for a slight difference in two of the settings.  Those settings are:Glide Type and LFO Clock. Work is still being done to better the functionality on this tab but it is now fully functional needing some User Interface improvements as well as perhaps correcting the aforementioned difference.

The panel is downloaded from here:

Download   Download Count: 3,345   Panel Size: 5.0 MB

DEMO – Rendering


Rendering demo for Ctrlr. How to draw stuff yourself and how to deal with all that LUA stuff.

This demo shows most cool capabilities that gives you LUA in Ctrlr. It’s a copy of the JuceDemo program you can find on the JUCE website.

It’s important to note that this demo needs the latest nightly to work, it uses the latest codebase of Ctrlr, so don’t expect it work with the stable build.

The list of demos is (08.02.2013):

  • Paths solid (not working yet)
  • Paths linear gradient (not working yet)
  • Paths radial gradient (not working yet)
  • Paths stroked – shows how to draw Patgs and how the Stroke impacts the overall look of a path
  • Images RGB – the 4 demos show how to load Images from resources and use them, the RGB/ARGB impacts performance
  • Images ARGB
  • Tiled images RGB
  • Tiled images ARGB
  • Glyphs – This is a simple TEXT demo i uses Glyphs (the basic building block of a Font) to draw a simple text
  • SVG – SVG is a Vector Image format (it really is a XML file), this demo also shows how to use ZIP files and render SVG images
  • Lines – Figure it out 🙂

Download Size: 158.1 KB Downloads: 1,160

DSI Mopho

This is the version 1.13 for MOPHO

It just means it’s the old panel saved in the latest nightly of Ctrlr. Still no program dumps but i never got around to doing this. Maybe if you keep pushing i’ll do it (it’s really simple now).

Download Size: 85.2 KB Downloads: 2,591
BETA: Download Size: 102.3 KB Downloads: 1,304
