Moog Grandmother patch mapper

Patch mapper for the Moog Grandmother

v3.0 2021-11-21

The panel is only a patch loader/saver on computer as the Moog Grandmother does not support the load/save of programs by sysex dump exchange. It supports however the manipulation of some program parameters by Midi CC messages but far from all parameters are covered (only the ones described on page 43 of the Grandmother manual).


  • Moog Grandmother patch saver/loader for PC and Mac
  • Button to switch the layout between the colored and the Dark editions
  • Interface with same look as actual synthesizer
  • Bidirectional communication with actual Grandmother synthesizer for all parameters supporting CC# Midi communication (see p43 of the manual)
  • Top row of support “screens” with old look
  • Visual feedback by using “LED” ring buttons and indication of the parameter value
  • Envelope graph handled by mouse or classical ADSR rotary encoders
  • Selection of the Grandmother OS with impact on the panel controls
  • Global parameters management (receive all then individual update – still under testing and in discussion with Moog)
  • Load / Save programs from individual .syx files
  • Automatic change of all CC# parameters on actual synthesizer at program load
  • Easy program renaming
  • Display and export of program parameters as text file
  • Ability to describe 9 input/output colored patch cables with different sources/destinations
  • Patch cables drawing directly on main panel with adjustable transparency level
  • Ability to display full cables or cable plugs
  • Extra input/output patch points from/to external synths, sequencer and FX chain
  • Programs have a name, author, save date and description. They can be associated to a category
  • Browser of the files on the disk
  • Patch sheet tab with patch sheet for Grandmother and other gear
  • Display of current precise parameter value when clicking on rotary encoders
  • Zoom remaining till next session
  • Automatic reading of wav/aif*/aac*/mp3* files associated to a patch (*MacOS only) in File browser
  • Manual/Automatic reading of any wav/aif*/aac*/mp3* file (*MacOS only) in File browser
  • Standalone versions for PC and Mac
  • VST versions for PC (32 and 64 bits)
  • VST and AU versions for Mac
  • Extras Midi CC controller number for the buttons without a Moog assigned number so you can adjust them from a hardware controller (still no impact on the synth of course and unfortunately).

The manual can be downloaded from the Sunny Synths’ drive or website

For more info on getting this panel, please contact
Visit Sunny Synths’ website:

Additional pictures:


Moog Matriarch patch saver

Patch saver for the Moog Matriarch

v1.0 2021-05-30

The panel is only a patch loader/saver on computer as the Moog Matriarch does not support the load/save of programs by sysex dump exchange. It supports however the manipulation of some program parameters by Midi CC messages but far from all parameters are covered. It also handles global settings management by sysex messages.


  • Moog Matriarch patch saver/loader for PC and Mac
  • Displays all patch points from the main synth panel but also all outputs from the rear
  • Button to switch the layout between the colored and the Dark editions
  • Bidirectional communication with actual Matriarch synthesizer for all parameters supporting CC# Midi communication (pages 18 and 19 of the Matriarch v1.2.3 Firmware update manual)
  • Top row of support “screens” with old look
  • Visual feedback by using “LED” ring buttons and indication of the parameter value
  • Envelope graphs handled by mouse or classical ADSR rotary encoders
  • Load / Save programs from individual .syx files
  • Automatic change of all CC# parameters on actual synthesizer at program load
  • Program settings management (a selection of Global settings but stored at program level)
  • Global settings management (receive all then individual update)
  • Easy program renaming
  • Display and export of program parameters as text file
  • Ability to describe 15 input/output colored patch cables with different sources/destinations
  • Programs have a name, author, save date and description. They can be associated to a category
  • Ability to describe the usage of each program in a step by step mode (up to 15 steps)
  • Browser of the files on the disk
  • Patch sheet tab with patch sheet for Matriarch and other gear
  • Patch cables (15 colors)
  • Author and save date
  • External synths and FX chain
  • Display of current precise parameter value when clicking on rotary encoders
  • Memorized panel zoom
  • Automatic reading of wav files associated to a patch
  • Manual/Automatic reading of any wav file
  • Standalone versions for PC and Mac
  • VST versions for PC (32 and 64 bits)
  • VST and AU versions for Mac
  • Extras Midi CC controller number for the buttons without a Moog assigned number so you can adjust them from a hardware controller (still no impact on the synth of course and unfortunately).

The manual can be downloaded from the Sunny Synths’ drive or website

For more info on getting this panel, please contact Visit Sunny Synths’ website:

Additional pictures:


CN Moog Voyager VST/AU Midi Controller 1.0

This is a controller i’ve collaborated on.


  • Graphic interface inspired by RME Version.
  • Bidirectional communication with synthesizer for all parameters supporting CC# Midi communication.
  • All panel’s parameters can be managed and automated in your DAW.
  • Sounds can be saved as VST or AU presets and then sent to the Moog using the “Send Panel” button.
  • When you open your DAW’s project the snapshot is sent automatically to the edit buffer of the synth.

You can download it here:

The download is free,  just follow the artist.

SLIM’XTC V.1.0 – Panel for Moog Slim Phatty

Panel for Moog Slim Phatty. Use midi CC and Sysex. Fully bidirectionnal. Patches can be saved and loaded to/from disk (.syx). Banks (.syx) can be loaded and sended to synth. Enjoy!


Download  393.6 KB – SLIM’XTC V.1.0


By downloading this file you agree with the following terms and conditions : All rights on the software are reserved to the copyright holders and are subject to change anytime without prior notice. The software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software is with you. Should the software prove defective you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright holder be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidential or consequential damage arising out the use or inability to use the software (included but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties. or a failure of the software to operate with any other programs. Swiss law and Swiss courts juridiction only are applicable to any dispute and trial concerning the software.



Moog Source

This is a panel for the Moog Source with Encore MIDI retrofit called “SMK”.

I made the panel for my Source with the newest Encore firmware v4.11. You need at least v4.09 in order to use all features of this Ctrlr panel.

Encore Software Updates: LINK

I think the panel is now mature enough to publish it without sending me an email. Moreover, as the Encore SMK allows full access to the editbuffer it is very unlikely that one overwrites patches by accident.

you can downlaod it HERE

two screenshots:

source1 source2

I won’t make a tutorial unless someone asks for it. If you don’t know how to use Ctrlr my tutorial for the SuperJX panel may help you:Download

When you fit the Encore SMK Midi retrofit some tuning has to be done anyway – while your at it I recommend to do the complete tuning procedure. It made a notable difference on mine.

Tuning Procedure (Service Manual Scan): Download

Moog Minitaur

Moog Minitaur panel

Created by Stoner at Moogasm

This panel has been designed to work with the Minitaur which is a compact and powerful analogue bass synthesizer created, produced and sold by Moog Music Inc. This panel will allow the user to have access to this powerful synthesizer as a VST/AU enabling the user access within programs such as Ableton Live and Logic Pro using full automation.

This panel is still in development and I look forward to any comments, suggestions and recommendations. The purpose of this project is to allow my son access to this device using full automation in the aforementioned programs.  I have been developing and testing as a standalone panel and am ready for some initial testing and feedback on the panel.

The controls on the first tab (Minitaur Editor) use a vertical drag to alter them and they show a bubble with the value.  The second tab (Under the Hood) uses a rotary drag to move the knobs.  This screen will also allow one to position the knob at the point where they click on the knob, eliminating some of the need to drag.  The third tab (Miscellaneous) uses a horizontal drag.  Both tabs 2 and 3 do not show the bubble when dragging. All three tabs allow the user to double click to set value back to Default as specified in the Minitaur manuals and documentation.

Please feel free to test and provide feedback on anything.  Currently, avoid using the Erase Firmware and Save Firmware functionality on the Miscellaneous tab.  Those setting may require physically putting the |Minitaur in a special mode, so avoid those at this time.  On that tab is the Set All Defaults button.  This button may be useful if settings go astray.

When using some of the settings it may be necessary to either Send Snapshot or Receive Snapshot depending on where the change was made.  Once Set All Defaults is performed one may want to hit the FW VERSION GET button and watch the firmware version on the screen get updated.  Also, the FW VERSION DISPLAY has your Minitaur show its display by flashing the Oscillator button LEDs.

The Refresh button on the Under the Hood tab will update you MIDI settings so one may also select and make changes from those LED style list boxes.  I also have not tested anything on the Hardware/Calibration page.  Use that at your own risk and really only if you know what you are doing.

All the Presets buttons work now.  The Save Local Preset function is identical to functionality on Moog’s Minitaur Editor, except for a slight difference in two of the settings.  Those settings are:Glide Type and LFO Clock. Work is still being done to better the functionality on this tab but it is now fully functional needing some User Interface improvements as well as perhaps correcting the aforementioned difference.

The panel is downloaded from here:

Download   Download Count: 3,345   Panel Size: 5.0 MB
