Korg N1


I wanna thank you all for help me out making my first panel.

My N1 is an old synth, a 1997 model, from Korg, with one mini screen and a lot of buttons. Inside there are 1300 patches, 600 samples, 48 effects. Something have to be done. Two clicks later, I’m on my way to discover Ctrlr. NICE!

It was not an easy task. Bugs bugging me all the time. But in the end I was smart enough to predict were one could occur, so lots of them were exterminated! 🙂

My final panel in the Ctrlr don’t have bugs, indeed. But my standalone as. My uilistboxes don’t unselect. No problem, I’m not perfect either.

I was no experience in Lua, nor enough kwnoledge in MIDI and I’m not a designer, but I think that, in the end, it is a nice panel. A one week, sleeping fast, job.

I cannot upload it in the dashboard – maybe there is some internet problem -, so I upload it to my Drive! I hope you open it and enjoy it – even if don’t have the keyboard. Just follow the GoogleDrive’s link.

Thanks a lot, guys!

João Marco

CN Moog Voyager VST/AU Midi Controller 1.0

This is a controller i’ve collaborated on.


  • Graphic interface inspired by RME Version.
  • Bidirectional communication with synthesizer for all parameters supporting CC# Midi communication.
  • All panel’s parameters can be managed and automated in your DAW.
  • Sounds can be saved as VST or AU presets and then sent to the Moog using the “Send Panel” button.
  • When you open your DAW’s project the snapshot is sent automatically to the edit buffer of the synth.

You can download it here: https://tiny.cc/05sq3y

The download is free,  just follow the artist.

JV-XP Editor for Roland JV1080, JV2080, JV1010, XP30, XP50, XP60 and XP80 series synthesizers

JV-XP Editor – Standalone, VST and AU Editor for Roland JV1080, JV2080, JV1010, XP30, XP50, XP60 and XP80 series synthesizers

Multitimbral Midi Editor for Roland JV1080, JV2080, JV1010, XP30, XP50, XP60 and XP80 synthesizers. Complete control of all your synthesizer in Patch Mode or Performance Mode (15 Patch parts, Rhythm part, Effects, Part Common, Performance Common, Scale Tune and several System settings) from a single instance.

Any feedback will be welcome.

BIG thanks to jjgorman for his great effort to port this editor to OSX!!

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Load and save patches and rhythms from the synth’s banks and from files in .syx format, and create new soundbanks with drag&drop of patches between banks.

Data Storage

Save the synth status (all data from Patch Mode, Performance Mode and Scale Tune) in a single .syx file.

DAW Automation

Every parameter of the sound engine of every part is ready to be automated using the hosted version.

Total Recall

JV-XP Editor lets you edit all the Patch, Performance, Rhythm, Part and several System parameters (up to 13657 parameters!) and save the latest edit status within the application. This means that you can easily recall the latest status of the previous edit simply by opening JV-XP Editor.

Parameter Locking

Lock any section of the synthesizer sound engine. For instance, lock Tone 1 Wave section and Amplitude Envelope. When loading or receiving a
new patch, the locked sections will not change. Do you like the effect settings of a Part, or the filter section? Lock them and test any patch with those settings.

Patch Randomizer

JV-XP Editor provides a Patch Randomizer with several functions to control the process. It can be used together with Parameter Locking section to select which groups of parameters will be randomized.

…and many more features like the Joystick Modulator (choose up to four parameters from any part and modulate them in a vectorial style), copy & paste Tones and Patches, multi-tone editing, scalable GUI, quick access buttons to change the effects source of a Performance, 11 skins to choose…

Fixes  v1.0.12 (27/10/2020)

  • Fixed a bug that didn’t restore the correct values for Pan and Volume settings on Performance Parts.
  • Fixed a bug causing the name of the performance not being saved. Thanks to gate4free for pointing out both bugs.

Fixes  v1.0.11 (20/03/2020)

  • Added a lot of Rhythym sets from expansion cards that were missing. Thanks to  user Jungle for pointing out.
  • Fixed Piano Expansion card patch list and typo. Thanks to Jungle again.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in the background not drawing.

Fixes  v1.0.10 (9/11/2018)

  • Fixed a bug that, when selecting a value bigger than 174 for parameter “Wave Select”, the output was always the default wave 001 AC Piano1 A.
  •  Changed the way “STATUS” works. Previously, an Identity Request Message was used, but it was only recognized by a few members of the JV-XP family. Now a new Parameter Request is used to be compatible with all models. To know if the synth is ONLINE, you have to click over STATUS (it’s not auto-updated as before).
  • Added a menu to change the UI zoom scale.

Fixes  v1.0.9 (16/04/2018)

  • Fixed a bug causing the wave of the selected Tone from the selected Patch not being loaded properly.

Fixes  v1.0.8 (01/04/2018)

  • Patch copy was broken.
  • Added missing “Load Patch” and “Save Patch As” options in Part buttons.

Fixes  v1.0.7 (24/03/2018)

  • Fixed a issue that could produce data loss when switching between Performance mode and Patch mode if the Part selected was other than Part 1.


Donwload JV-XP Editor x64 1.0.12


Donwload JV-XP Editor 1.0.10


Yamaha SY35 Voice Editor

SY35 Voice Editor – Standalone and VST Voice Editor for Yamaha SY35 and SY22 series synthesizers




SY35 Voice Editor only works with the Voice Mode of the synth, not with Multi Mode.


· Librarian
Load and save individual voices in .syx format.

Load and save voice soundbanks in .syx format.

Receive voices from the synth.

Send voices to the synth.

Drag&Drop patches between banks.

· Total Recall

SY35 Voice Editor lets you edit all voice parameters (even those hidden and not editable from the synth!!) and save the latest edit status within the application. This means that you can easily recall the latest status of the previous edit simply by opening SY35 Voice Editor.

· Graphic vector editing page.

Editing the vector path data of a voice has never been easier thanks to SY35 Voice Editor. Visualize Level and Detune paths in different ways, record paths with the mouse, invert, rotate, flip paths…

· Parameter Locking

Lock any section of the synthesizer sound engine. For instance, lock Element A Envelope and Element B Carrier section. When loading or receiving a new patch, the locked sections will not change. Do you like the Level vector path of a voice, or Element B Carrier section? Lock them and test any patch with those settings.

· Patch Randomizer

SY35 Voice Editor provides a Patch Randomizer similar to the one present on the synth. It can be used in conjunction with Parameter Locking section to select which groups of parameters will be randomized.

· Copy&Paste

SY35 Voice Editor let’s you copy&paste Elements and Envelopes.

· Instructions

The zip file below contains both stand-alone and VST plugin version for 32 and 64 bit Windows systems, as well as a short manual.


DOWNLOAD (Windows only)

Downloads: 741

GrooveBox Editor for Roland MC-505, MC-307, JX-305 and D2

GrooveBox Editor Beta– Standalone and VST Editor for Roland MC-505, Roland MC-307, Roland JX-305 and Roland D2 series synthesizers

Multitimbral Midi Editor for Roland MC-505, MC-307, JX-305 and D2 Groove synthesizers. Complete control of all your synthesizer (8 Patch parts, Rhythm part, Effects, Part Common and System settings) from a single instance.

Beta release, any feedback will be welcome.

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GrooveBox Editor_10
GrooveBox Editor_11



Load and save patches and rhythms from the synth’s banks and from files in .syx format, and create new soundbanks with drag&drop of patches between banks.

Data Storage

Save the synth status (all Patch, Part Settings, Part Common and System Settings) in a single .syx file. Backup Pattern and Patch data performing a Bulk Dump.

DAW Automation

Every parameter of the sound engine of every part is ready to be automated using the hosted version.

Total Recall

GrooveBox Editor lets you edit all the Patch, Rhythm, Part Common, Part and System parameters (up to 8848 parameters!) and save the latest edit status within the application. This means that you can easily recall the latest status of the previous edit simply by opening GrooveBox Editor.

Parameter Locking

Lock any section of the synthesizer sound engine. For instance, lock Tone 1 Wave section and Amplitude Envelope. When loading or receiving a
new patch, the locked sections will not change. Do you like the effect settings of a Part, or the filter section? Lock them and test any patch with those settings.

Patch Randomizer

GrooveBox Editor provides a Patch Randomizer with several functions to control the process. It can be used together with Parameter Locking section to select which groups of parameters will be randomized.

…and many more features like the Joystick Modulator (choose up to four parameters from any part and modulate them in a vectorial style), copy & paste Tones and Patches, multi-tone editing, scalable GUI, 11 skins to choose…


The zip file contains both stand-alone and VST plugin version for 32 and 64 bit Windows systems, as well as a short manual.

Fixes v.02 (16/12/2017):

  • Parameter EFX Delay Send Level was missing.
  • Parameter EFX Reverb Send Level was missing.
  • Parameter FMX Color didn’t send it’s value.
  • Parameter FMX Depth didn’t send it’s value.
  • Parameter Tone 3 Pitch Envelope Depth didn’t send it’s value.
  • Skin Saturn fixed (was missing a color, resulting in broken GUI or crashes when this skin was selected at startup).
  • Modulation destinations are now correctly displaying their names.
  • Sending Part Info Data (pressing Send Data button) as a whole was causing problems (initializing patches), so now this data is sent in a different way.
  • Added missing CC tab to Drum part.

Download (Windows Only)

Donwload GrooveBox Editor

Downloads: 1276


SnowED – Standalone, VST & AU Editor for Virus TI Snow

Multitimbral Midi Editor for the Virus TI Snow. Finally it’s possible to control the four parts available in Sequencer Mode simultaneously.

Non Snow users: You can use SnowED with other TI series models, but limited to the first 4 parts in Sequencer Mode.



· Librarian
Load and save individual patches in .syx and .mid format.
Load and save soundbanks in .syx and .mid format.
Load patches from ROM and RAM banks.
Write patches in RAM banks and external banks.
Create new soundbanks.
Drag&Drop patches between banks.
*Not compatible with patches from Virus A, B and C.

· DAW Automation

Every parameter of the sound engine of every part is ready to be automated.

· Total Recall

SnowED lets you edit all parameters of the Patch assigned to each Part and save the latest edit status within the application. This means that you can easily recall the latest status of the previous edit simply by opening SnowED.

· Section Locking

Lock any section of the Virus sound engine. For instance, lock Oscillator 1 and Amplitude Envelope. When loading or receiving a new patch, the locked sections will not change. Do you like the effect settings of a patch, or the arpeggiator pattern? Lock them and test any patch with those settings. Forget about random generators.

· Instructions

The zip file contains both stand-alone and VST plugin version (AU plugin for OSX also), as well as a short manual.

· What’s new

1.0.2: Added a Dump Delay parameter that allows to select the time between patch request messages when selecting a bank. If you get message “No communication with Virus TI”, try increasing the delay time.

· Download

SnowED Version: 1.0.2
Date: Jun 19, 2016

SnowED for Windows   Downloads: 3,121

SnowED Version: 1.0.2
Date: Jun 19, 2016

SnowED for OSX   Downloads: 1,811


Jay-V (Roland JV/XP family panel)

Jay-V a HUGE panel for the Roland JV / XP family of synths which has pages for each of the four ‘tones’, an effects/common page & an ‘all tones’ page which edits the parameters of all four tones simultaneously. The panel parameters & patch names update when you change the preset via the panel so to make the best of the editor you will need bi-directional MIDI communication between your JV/XP & your computer.

The panel also requires the ‘LCDdot’ font to operate, here’s a (legal) link….



Download Jay-V here.


Enjoy, best…. Pat & Zoltan. ( @King PP & @zoldalma )


